Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I guess it’s a mix of the overarching theme being a really poor choice in the context of being multiple people’s visions and it lacking the campy elements that make me love dumpster fires

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basically the failure in the movie feels unearned and contrived
it didn’t feel set up as much as it should have

I don’t have any good quotes from it
saving what we love is kind of groan inducing instead

I see the potential!
I just think that trying the cool thing ultimately made the experience not so good

ok interesting is an…interesting term to use here

8 has a lot more that you can dissect and really chomp into
it is a shitpile with a lot of different smells to it

8 however butchered finn so I’m fucking furious

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ok i’m curious so let me mine your brain for a bit
what is ‘important’

I see a lot of people saying this about…jjk as an example

Is important a list of things that impact the overall plot
Is important messages the author is trying to impart to the audience
Is important things that impact our character’s worldview

like objectively the current arc of jjk has a lot of important elements in it
but it feels pointless in the context of the greater narrative and the story the mangaka is trying to tell

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yeah tbh they should have gone with the gay route for that one

What deserves to be said

Why does this question exist
How could it exist when so many things are ‘just because’
But we try to hard to find how all that’s in front of us is related

That pursuit of the grand tapestry

Is goobye eri better than one piece

how does someone judge importance except if it only applied to oneself

So what do they actually mean

This is connected conceptually to filler, but things like the driving episode show that filler is not inherently bad due to not significantly contributing to the overall narrative
I understand everything now

The author and the reader are inexorably connected as long as both continue to engage
The push and pull of expectations
Is TLJ bad because of misplaced author and audience expectations?


but who is at fault

the author’s understanding certainly conflicted with the audience’s expectation

see finn
and luke

these are the most egregious examples

tlj is not by the numbers, whereas 7 and 9 were very much by the numbers

The Last Jedi fights and fails to win an uphill battle against the scaffolding and expectations that have molded Star Wars for all of its mainline existence. It struggles to make the established nuance feel important not only because it stands against the expectations set by earlier material but because TLJ is fighting in every single direction at once

“Oh, war profiteers exist yes.”

But these points are not related to the light vs dark story that the sequels had suggested up to this point…but it could

8 wanted 9 to follow it
but 9 thought that what it dared to say was obnoxious

How do you reignite hope in a world that has known war after war, all coming from the, in the greater scheme of things, pointless battle between wizards of differing factions? How do you get them to care?

How could Star Wars care? How could the audience care?
Demon Slayer is so obnoxiously popular and doesn’t even try with nuance
Is it better off for it? Financially, yes. It’s clear that fun romps appeal to the greater mainstream audience as well. Many many surveys suggest that young children see a model of behavior in Tanjiro much more so than their parents.

Star Wars isn’t just a story.

Would it ever be possible to have Mainline Star Wars be art when that so contradicts what worked in the past?
Why else would every single Star Wars story rely on legacy characters and filling out things that went underexplored in the series proper?

Could your Star Wars story not be better attempted in a world of your own making where you are the guiding hand behind the brush without the baggage of the Monoliths of Capital and things that have existed since forever?

Why else is the story of Arhtur reimagined nowadays rather than having more material inserted with a presupposed canon?

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TLJ is fascinating

how could something so putrid be so bright