Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I don’t really care…about knowing what is the case

But the pursuit of extrapolation is fun and enjoyable

I’d argue that the only way to change a system is to first understand how it all works.

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but im unlikely to be in the position to change the system
power’s all up there right

ethics of academia
weird topic

Intellectualism feels masturbatory a lot of the time
This is coming from someone who is doing that right now
I am challenging my own preconceived notions by writing them out to see if they hold up to scrutiny

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I mean, I’m trying to dual-degree in business and film, so this is right up my alley.

I used to hold it near and dear as something that must be done constantly
That I needed to ruthlessly analyze myself and my own thought patterns
Did it help?
Hell no

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that tracks

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I’m happy you know what you’re interested in doing
My interests feel polar opposite to what is career-viable

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i’ve accepted that for the most part

Broadly I feel that media has no responsibility to say anything
I hold this because I understand and appreciate things that would be disgusting from my worldview because they speak to people who aren’t me
I like these people as well

this is clearly a sign for me to design star wars mash v2, except emporer palpatine’s rolecard is 2x as large


Or run Midnight in the House of the Damned on FoL.

I know we’ve ran Lycanthrope, Damsel, Heretic, Goblin & Politician
Have we ran Magician yet?

Yes, in Hurdy Gurdy.

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(I storytold alongside Amelia when we ran these)
((also correction- we’ve ran a Drunk Heretic))

Lycanthrope was… Intensify (?), Damsel was Kiiruma, Drunk Heretic was Jarek, Goblin was YBW and Arctic was Politician

Ah yes the Damsel as Lleech host.

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or am I misremembering YBW as boomdandy?