Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i believe you


Blue's Clues

Confirming the truth of this statement.

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Who tapped it 5 times thinking it was a link
Admit it


This message is a hyperlink.


This message is a hyperlink.

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Provable randomness got banned too?
Dang it.

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it was already banned?
ash what have u been up to

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how was provable randomness being used that required it be banned?

provable randomness was already banned (for players, and is still only banned for players)


ash is a big provable randomness fan

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things like publicly rolling a Discobot die in thread to decide who to vote

i imagine it’s something to the effect of provable randomness is something town is willing to use without a care (with an =rand chance of catching mafia, after all), while mafia would want to rig it. and if provable randomness were allowed mafia would have to prove their “random” rolls and go with it, which would probably be unfun

about what i figured okay. cringe. good ban.


there are a lot of different thoughts about what constitutes “bastard” in a mafia context, and I think it comes down to things that make people feel like they’ve wasted their time and energy playing is bastard. provable randomness to decide a vote is one of those things that’s bastard in this way because it would make me feel like i’ve wasted a bunch of time and energy playing when the outcome i’m trying to influence is decided by a coin flip. a less extreme example of playing chess and then when the game ends in a resignation or checkmate, the players flip a coin to decide who actually wins. makes you wonder why you played chess at all ya know

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i would count having people sign up for mafia and then trapping them in a board game to be in the same vein

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would you count advertising a game as having a sci-fi space opera theme, getting 80 players to sign up for it, some of whom even make gimmick accounts based on the theme, only to reveal when the game begins as actually being anime themed bastard?

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i swear we’re cursed to always post announcements with something missing, despite reading it over 500 times before going public

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