Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

FAM2 was significantly less bastard than FAM1? What part of FAM2 did you feel crossed any lines like lol

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Among us, probably

yea town with alternate wincon is a lil cringe imo

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i love designing mashes. i love making mechanics. i love telling stories and worldbuilding through mechanics. i love setting up stories with unwritten endings and allowing the story to be written through gameplay. if i could paid to do it i would do it happily.




I kinda suck at the storytelling through mechanics bit and I kinda suck at writing consistent flavor but

chloe check your dms its important


among us is the one example I could think of off rip yeah. there were a couple other things that i qualify not as bastard but just like… there are generally a set number of axis that players expect a game to be played on, and breaching that expectation is risky when you don’t warn players signing up to buckle up for surprises. the role that forced someone to play OSU in fam3 is an example of a role that you really, really, really should not surprise people with unless you slapped a “clown shit” label on the signups. I’m not saying the role is bastard or anything, but if you’re expecting a typical forum mafia game and then get told to play OSU until you beat a high score or get full copped, idk. you could ruin someone’s time a bit


chapa chapa

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Oh does storytelling through mechanics just mean matching mech to flavor

it being known as the osu role just because the wolves happened to be osu players makes the role twice as funny


you seem like you would hypothetically enjoy designing niche TTRPGs (apart from all the things that theoretically suck about it that I’m choosing to ignore for the purposes of this statement)


see if the game has happened as intended i might’ve forced people to reach my ladder placement on hackmons cup


which sounds like hell on earth. because it is


cleverly balancing the game by requiring someone to beat a specific, publicly visible and easily checkable-who-has-it score :hmmyes:

(yes yes I know you could go lose a couple games and be fine)

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i feel like that would have been specifically trackable to you

the osu score might have been too but iirc it was like just average enough to not blatantly do so

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this was my first game

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my first instance of being on fol. you would NOT have tracked it to me

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really that role should have just been limited to like 1-3 games liek tetris or snake or some shit but we got a bit too silly

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