Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

kat i’m a recovering depressive trans girl from the UK do you expect me to not either bring up Transgenderly Media or bring up how much I love my girlfriend, who is also transgender

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i’ve been on estrogen for a year and a half I don’t need an excuse to bring up Gender

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I, too, am in this episode


this vexes me

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I will
Lay me down
In a bunker

I won’t let this happen to my children
Meet the real world coming out of your shell
With white elephants
Sitting ducks

I will
Rise up

anyway just to finish what i’m saying: look. if your entire life has felt empty aside from a desperate search to see the other side of things. there might be a reason. and maybe your life will become full if you realise you don’t just want to see the other side of reality, but to live in it.

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hi ici

hi Lil i’m posting here again for no reason

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do you need a reason to post here
well, any more of a reason you do for nerdcord at least

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not really, I do what I please, it’s just been a while.

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not even sure why I gave my big “maybe you can have this too” speech here of all places. it’d be like trying to break people’s eggs on tumblr dot com

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theres always another egg on fol


if it helps when I read it I had a mental image of someone bringing their estrogen in for show and tell and it was cute

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this does not help but thank you anyway

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A different ending
Every time
Every time

Tone down your life
You’re safe with me
I promise
I promise

So don’t go wishing
Don’t hate yourself
You’re right here
I’m with you

Yeah, don’t freak out
You’re trying too hard
You’re trying too hard

i don’t know, it’s strange. technically I’ve contributed to the breaking of shells and the arrival of new sister-voyagers, but not really? like ultimately where the impulse to improve your life comes from is and must be from yourself

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i dont know how i got here, originally at least
i dont know how i knew i just did and i went for it with no idea what the road ahead would be like

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it’s strange. the act of like, coming to your senses and realising you’re transgender is just… so ill-documented, despite it being one of the most beautiful things in the world


similarly, the social stigma against trans existence almost prevents us from acknowledging that it’s not a solitary experience. it comes from the self, it is a celebration of the self, but like all individiaulistic things it cannot and will not stand alone

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