Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

(It isn’t science rooted anyways but some people can believe that their belief is supported by science because of like. Confirmation bias but)

American or not

Americans would find out in a few months when they realize they haven’t heard anything out of florida or when they look at a map
Anyone else would probably take a year or more

florida not existing would probably have althist implications i don’t really want to think about. this is also true of the beatles but its easier to pretend you could be isekaied without your knowledge into an otherwise identical world where the beatles just never existed


Yea lol

what if we all lived in a world where a location just didnt exist and we’re the test subjects for that thought experiement


Consider: world where Florida sunk into the sea like 2 years ago

you hear about that thing down in samothrace?

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Nowhere else is in danger anymore but Florida is gone forever

How does this effect the hypothetical

is this a deez nuts joke

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Yes, I heard the people are overthrowing their dictator but their leader will probably seize power instead of democracy

happy birthday your gift is 6 months of me not calling you a baby

Just like every country in the area…

it’s an scp that either makes half the world believe in the nonexistent islamic union of eastern samothrace, or makes the other half of the world forget about the very real islamic union of eastern samothrace. no one’s sure which, and even foundation leadership is split down the middle


Oh lmao

i think hitting a button that makes this happen is morally correct

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although it would affect eddy burback and ted nivison’s trip to every margaritaville

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Happy youbie day!!! @YoubutWorse


Would it be morally correct to hold an emergency evacuation directly before it is inevitably consumed
I don’t want desantis or any of the politicians to leave and continue politicking
But I do want to save the innocent people living there especially the trans ones