Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i mean yeah probably. it would cause a refugee crisis but it would be better than. the many refugee crises that climate change has already caused and will continue to cause

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Not biased at all
This is only half an actual opinion
I don’t think that trans people are like inherently worth more or something
I just would feel bad if I killed every trans person vying for freedom in Florida

Yea lol

killing millions of people to get rid of 200 people you dislike won’t boil over well

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Yea exavtly

hitmen are so much cheaper than you’d think

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The solution here is obviously to give them 24h before I PISS ON THE MOON

Fair enough!
Especially if I had the tools to get to the button

my cat Harrow is obsessed with the cat wheel, but she doesn’t just run on it by herself. she’ll run on it for a sec, and then make the most heartbreaking sounds, and repeat several times until Jenna or I get up and hold up a feather thingy for her to chase on it or she gives up. but she does not give up quickly. she does this several times a day. she did it just now while I was writing this so brb I gotta go give my kitten a reason to run on her cat wheel

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I mean i probably couldve convinced my parents but i didnt really feel like it

Also didnt bring my insurance card to college on accident :joy_cat:

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none of my cats have ever used the cat wheel :pensive:

I got my phone out to text Jenna that I finish assembling it, and before I sent the message, Harrow had started to run on it. I hit send and immediately got out my camera to record some to send to Jenna lol.

I dont think HRT should be over the counter but it should be easier to obtain than it is now (and also not be literally impossible depending on the state you live in!)



Yea exactly



happy new omega strikers new season day

oh and something about ybw or somethin thats cool too ig ;)

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Mmm… delicious. I could go for some left wok


I would never find out

i think most people would realize within a few years from other people not asking hypotheticals about what they would do if the beatles didnt exist

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