Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


some people say we should strive for minimalism when designing games. instead, i aim for a reductionist style

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mod poster?

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all of y’all will regret crossing me when the world succumbs to the storm and i’m the one left assigning who gets to go into the danger mine to get danger stones


Has no meaningful mechanical effect. I was going to include the “mostly useless” category, but elected not to for simplicity’s sake.

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nudges another post forward

I was mostly being reductive for the sake of humor. The point is investigation can often be peeks or partial ones, and that it’s amusing to compare a cop to a vigi in terms of them both revealing alignments (excluding all the times that’s not true). It’s more accurate to frame all power in a Mafia games by how they interact with or influence kills. Investigation and mod posting and redirecting are similar in that they influence where kill power is directed. Doctors and role blockers and healers and firefighters all have the power to stop kills. Some of these interact with things that aren’t kills, but it terms of importance to the game state that’s almost incidental if doesn’t come back around to interacting with kills in some way.

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GL to those on the hunt for the cookie. I hope molly gets it with the classic “I like origami” post

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“Knife invest”

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loyal vigi, next question

there was a phase where quizbowlcord called kills “knife invests,” as i typed out before i realized may posted exactly that


this came from a 3 way multiball game where one of the mafias used their kills as knife invests, killing into their team’s hunches for who was mafia rather than. you know. townies. and being basically singlehandedly responsible for town winning


Double voter?

Hey gays

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the stomach is the furnace

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it uses food as fuel

its the only part of the body that could be considered like one

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I’ve whipped up some delicious coal and a lava bucket to wash it down with.

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i would never

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…like origami?