Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

only missing @zugzwang who tf names a cat that??? /j


ohhh male to female?


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Wtf is this brand

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Good morning chat

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Stains is a cute name

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Hello maple may, This season is YOUR season

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It’s true, I’m very popular right now, everyone wants to drink deeply of my amazing flavour

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Canadian @May ?


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it’s a funny brand that does toy muckups like this



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I think May is correct. Most people rationalize their own behavior and often without realizing when they’re being outwardly inconsistent. I feel like we often do or say things without actually having an explicated justification for it in our own minds, and we make one up ex post facto. We just act while assuming our actions are well-reasoned and well-intentioned, and only really bother to think it through when inspected, internally or externally. Even when faced with the knowledge that a previously given reason was unfounded, coming up with a new reason on the spot isn’t done maliciously or with intent to harm, it’s just our automatic bullshit engine being put to work.

Memory recall activates the same parts of the brain as story telling. Our brains usually only store key details, and we literally just fabricate the connective tissue when we attempt to remember it. So, yeah we’re constantly weaving historical fiction every day. That’s just how we’re built. It’s frustrating but also useful to keep in mind. When an argument is going on for awhile and it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere, it’s not necessarily that either party is being intentionally obtuse or acting in bad faith, but that the true conflict is several steps removed from the thing being argued about. Axiomatic differences or self-preservation vis-a-vis maintaining a belief that’s important to your identity or community.

So, if your parents don’t want you getting on HRT, perhaps the real reason is that if they let you, they fear it would jeopardize their membership in their church community which is also extremely important to their identity. Belonging to something and preserving our identities is such a primal thing that we our brains do whatever they can to prevent us from jeopardizing it. It will literally make you stupider and irrational if it has to, it will fight tooth and nail to keep you from putting yourself at risk in that way.


yea fair

I remember seeing a video essay citing some study on that people automatically try to find justification for their actions, it’s a subconscious action, even if that justification is flimsy.


This phenomenon is also plays a part in what’s called the Fundamental Attribution Error.

They’re doing the shit mafia players do where after a villager flip suddenly they feel like they townread the player all along (but they would’ve justified themselves the other way if it’d been a wolf flip). “Oh well when I said X I actually meant Y” and shit. They probably don’t even really know they’re doing it. That doesn’t mean it’s worth your time, it’s hard enough to explain to a peer that they’re rationalising their own behaviour and the fact that you’re their child makes it even harder to have a level conversation with them.

But it is why people do that kind of thing. They warp the world to become more convenient. “Oh we’re not sacrificing our child’s quality of life for our continued membership in the church it’s actually different”. “Oh we’re just trying to help”. And it’s so much easier to believe that so they do. They don’t have to be knowingly lying for it to be false, they’re just wrong and you gotta stand up to authority figures that are wrong sometimes (often by escaping the domain of their authority altogether)


And I think the distinction is important to make because there’ll be future situations where people you’re talking to are wrong in this exact way and you know they’re not acting this way intentionally, you’ll know your friend or partner or whoever believes what they’re saying, but that doesn’t mean you have to believe them.

