Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

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@Chomps Bite the god/dess of canker sores

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Yeah. An important insight here is that the information deficit model does not apply in any circumstance where the topic intersects with their identity or community. It does not matter what you say. You cannot give them a list of facts or present them an ironclad argument that will change their mind. Doing so will elicit a fight or flight response even. They have to first decide that the thing underpinning their belief is not important to them before they can be persuaded. (This is why deprogramming people like bigots or cultists or conspiracy theorists is so difficult. The belief in some way silos them off from membership in other communities, and as long as they rely on that community to fulfill their social needs, it’s more or less impossible to get them to believe something that would make them a pariah. The best method would be to first somehow have them build friendships with people who don’t share their beliefs, and then argue, but the first step is so, so, so difficult.)


Research paper topic: How We Can Discover All of Society’s Problems By Forcing All of Society to Play Mafia.

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Idk I also think on some level your parents understand they’re on the edge of losing you in their life (even though the reality may be that they already lost you), and their controlling behavior is just like them desperately trying to hold on. Odds are they do love you and don’t want you out of their lives, but they can’t reconcile your stated needs versus their own perceived needs. The behavior should be viewed as tragic in a way, but that also doesn’t absolve them of being shitty either. I’m just trying to say for the Nth time that there’s no real need to attribute malice, and to try to extend them some amount of grace when you do what you need to do (so long as it’s not the expense of your safety or well-being).

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hi gay


hi lli

can i stay at your place. i dont have a passport but im sure i can get over there

*munch* *munch*

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depends when and for how long


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fair enough
i suppose so

(given the “your” this is talking about me right)


ig you could do it in different levels than the surface?
the surface surface level is the actions
the surface level is their explanations
the slightly deep level is the need for control
and the even deeper explanation for why they need control could be that

yea that makes sense

it is definitely true that i shoudln’t only speak to them about my issues because their responses don’t change
speaking and then taking action, or just taking action in general would be more effective

do you think that trans gender being real means the scps are real too :exploding_head:

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