Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

wait im on the wrong one

i was right

its relatively simple
kinda like marlunas game

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ye i agree


i’m rather concerned the game will just get decided by the “reduce everyone elses stamina to 0”


question mark?

a power that i made up

i will admit that the game does rely upon people actually being creative this powers
i will tell people “you should create a power that you think you would enjoy having” to avoid optimizing the fun out of the game
and if anyone creates a free win condition i will force them to create a new one lmao

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cool beans

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powers are allowed to be strong but certain powers just Don’t Work
i would rule that a power that instantly ends the game based on an easy condition that is basically outside the game is also too hard to figure out, since it’s not within the confines of the actual game
win conditions are allowed but they have to be some level of effort lol

also you may note that for instant-win powers that anyone could get the power throug bidding, so most of the time it’s negative utility for you

i noticed ja
it just sounded boring that everybody had to get that power if they wanted to win, so its basically “who can say 99 first”

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that’s why bidding is secret and then revealed simultaneously for each power so

oh right
thanks those who actually voted
if anyone wants to do so now so i can know more that’d help

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i am being made a mockery of on the internet SQUIRREL


Dumb question: how are the Powers balanced?

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From how I understand it, the players write their own Powers, then bid on them.

people have to bid stamina for powers

its pretty loose and mech solvable but mech solving it is boring


you have my condolences

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