Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

oh my goddd they grow up so fast :sob: :sob: :sob:

only yesterday you were a small kitty witty…

you’re basically an adult woman debator now …

your next step in your maturity is to admit you are worse than me in mafia and also less intelligent than me in math science physics and astronomy. i know that will be tough, but growing up is tough. good luck, and hang in there kiddo


all the cats I know debate woman this is true

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90% of cats are employed by this

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you’re so sweet and i love you! :blush: :heart:

come hereeee~

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Do you think you are in the top 10% of mafia players onsite?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

im curious

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Who plays mafia on this site anymore? I thought this was a botc forum


i voting yes on the premise of the current regular pool of players

if its in the pool of “anyone who has ever played a game here / anyone who has an account” i would vote no

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I’m gonna do my best to judge but I will acknowledge this is very difficult and I don’t think I’m gonna be that good at it - finding AI generated photographs is pretty easy because you can look for warping, finding AI typical-digital-art is often aided by looking for overdetailed/overrendered stuff with disproportionately little thought on shape and anatomy, this kind of (impressionisty?) style disguises it a bunch

#1 looks AI-y in that it’s got that sort of fractal detail quality, and the shapes feel like they don’t super… follow the Art Rules which I know subconsciously. I think this makes it interesting art and I don’t think it’s bad, but it’s also often seen in AI, so… maybe?

#2 also looks like it could be AI, in particular because a lot of flowers seem to have multiple stems/have stems coming out where there shouldn’t be any

I’ve decided I’m bored and I’m going to go do chemistry

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people who’ve played a full game in the two years excluding fam4 or 3 i’d say


also only as town* :skull:


This is proportional (top 10%) not absolute (top 10). You think we’ve gotten worse lately?


I haven’t played mafia in a while so I dunno

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i think im in the top 10% because i have a flawless mafia winrate and my reads are usually above 50% correct as town


heheh how cute :blush:

here are the answers (for those 2 only)

  1. ai
  2. ai

I’m considered “good” l on MU but I would strangle the current people who play games here


its onsite so if you think youre better than the people here

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ive only been for a little longer than a year damn this is before my time. i dunno who played before me


…nobody you havent seen.

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if we counted everyone from all FAMs i wouldnt put myself in top 10%, that was my concern if we’re counting them

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I don’t think I’m top 10%. Top 25% maybe?

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