Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

not that i remember most of the other stuff i learned in calc 3. but that was especially forgettable given that i never even really learned it

Calc 3 taught us that the real monsters were humans and if that’s not deep I don’t know what is

A reflection of human nature to follow ideals and then distort them or to become blinded by them, becoming hateful to everyone that doesn’t follow.

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ok after trying it for a while
this problem feels difficult depending on what counts as computing the partials
like, do they want it in terms of only x, y, t, and s? if so then it’s pretty hard imo (or I’m missing something lol)

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personally i chose to put effort into my own homework instead of someone else’s but i guess we all work differently


NYAAAAAAAAAAAAA I see a math problem and then I’m nerd sniped instantly

real analysis homework is 10% waiting for the brainblast that tells me how to approach it 90% figuring out how to put that brainblast into words


what time is it

2 am

this is true of most upper level math classes but it’s usually closer to 30/70, maybe even 50/50. real analysis is unique in the complexity of its simplicity

i have a psychological question for you
what do you think i was implying in asking

that I should figure out the answer faster! (real (analysis???) (fake))

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your brain works on problems in the back of your head when you sleep or when doing other things. its quite literally the best thing to do when stuck


go to bed kitty


If it’s hard I fucked up afaik it’s just multivariable chain rule

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i forgot there was a multi chain rule

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I was like “ok so I get h partial wrt t = gradient of f dotted with <x partial with respect to t, y partial with respect to t> = g’(stuff) * big expression of other stuff”

and then I was like “ok so is that the end? or is there some clever trick to simply everything”

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I got g’(stuff) * (big expression of other stuff) so basically the same answer right (too tired to actually check)

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