Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

As mentioned above tho I just can’t really bring myself to care about having a good relationship with my family. I care about the fact I have an actively negative one that is currently harming me but


I like how you called out the drug part but not the stealing medicine part


dont steal your child’s drugs either


kid named funger


ngl i think if my mom was like 1 tier more unhinged (shes unhinged (affectionate)) she would probably steal my meds

idk how to describe this vibe or explain why i feel this way but its the vibe




genuinely the most florida post ever


what bitch ass country are y’all from where they got this bullshit at


i think itd be more florida if she actively did steal them but i also cant argue against this


My mom and i take the same medicine so if she ever steals mine i’ll just steal hers back


My oldest sister just finalized her divorce. Both of my parents told her to try to work it out with her now ex-husband when this whole shit first started. I was uncomfortable at first telling her to essentially break her family up, but eventually I had several phone calls where the point I was driving home was “get the fuck out of this marriage”. Her ex-husband went through her texts, lied to the kids about stuff, and refused to admit that he cheated on her other times. She found a girl who confessed that she was sleeping with him while they were engaged like nearly 2 decades ago, but he wouldn’t admit to it. He lied about money multiple times and sometimes the money in question was in the 5-figures.

His behavior was manipulative, controlling, invasive, and would try to twist things around to make my sister feel guilty, like she was the one who was being unreasonable. She wanted to work it out, but it was just not feasible when we wouldn’t admit to shit she knew he did or would downplay it when the evidence was overwhelming. He wasn’t evil, just flawed and desperate to save the marriage he repeatedly sabotaged and destroyed. Not every relationship is worth saving.

Flash forward and she’s happier than I’ve ever seen her. She’s getting married a month after I am to someone who she has so much fun with. Her ex-husband finally stopped being a dickhead and things are more amicable now.


last night i was haunted by the ghost of bob saget



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My parents also thought they were doing the right thing, but their marriage was a disaster. It’s not a coincidence that they divorced a few months after I moved out. Boy do I need to go to therapy to work through how subtly unhealthy my home life was. We never talked about negative stuff without things exploding so I’m still having to learn to not bottle up feelings.



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i dont think every relationship is worth saving, i dont think eliza should like act like everything is ok with her parents, i jsut dont think she should assume that they are acting maliciously because it is extremely likely they are not. they are doing what they think is best for eliza and they don’t realize how negatively that is affecting her. eliza of course knows more about the relationship thanw e do and im not saying she doesnt. i understand wanting to revisit the relationship later but i feel like its also more than worth it to do your best to make the relationship as best as it can be now, and the first step towards doing that is understanding the other side’s perspective and understanding why they are doing the things they are doing


I. Don’t think this is going to happen tbh
It can in theory but.

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I’m ngl I’m already avoiding talking to them by wearing my headphones 70% of the time. It’s just. Idk
I’m definitely not okay


I’m just at the point where I feel like it’s wishful thinking ig you could say

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my opinion: do what feels best for you right now, whatever that is, and just consider not permanently burning bridges in a moment of large emotion. like for example don’t permanently cut them off if its only due to internet advice you received. do permanently cut them off if that’s what you deem best but only if you think it through, dont be too trustworthy of people who have limited info when advising you and/or are projecting their own experiences (positive or negative) onto yours