Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

the mfs in the ap lang class, the day of the test, asked if they could take pictures of me to post on their instagram stories because I was wearing elvis glasses, a shirt that said “day drinking team”, fluffy pajamas and shrek slippers. I was too tired to say “no?” so that is immortalized somewhere on the internet’s boundless archive


every time we had a test in AP environmental science this group of guys would wear shirts that said “I <3 global warming”


my APES class was awesome lol. I talked soooooo much shit in that class

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that class was the easiest shit ever I also talked so much shit

did you not “talk so much shit” in any of your classes

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every time we took a test in college algebra class thing one of my friends would put up a portrait of Saint Danny Devito

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well there was 1 specific girl who was. like lowkey horrible. and I was her lowkey horrible gay friend. and we tore into everyone and anyone we knew.



i dont even like her. objectively she sucks and i never want to talk to her again, but like, I was on that same level.


i loved the dumb student success class we had to take. this is exclusively because i got to talk shit about the course with my 2 friends in that class

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they made us take an obvious pseudoscience test. and the teacher swore by it for some reason

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we made so much fun of that book it was so fun

my engineering class was the best shit ever

the teachers literally like 78 everything that comes out of his mouth is uncensored

he’s actually the best I miss him

I need to find some of his quotes one second


the book is called The Color Code (or The People Code depending on who you ask) for anyone who wants to make fun of it its so funny and also definitely not extremely Mormon but

(the author of the book claims he was inspired by God to write it. he also pulls bogus statistics out of nowhere)

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“I know some boys in Kentucky, that for a six-pack of beer, will make sure you are never seen again.”

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thats pretty common for a lot of authored works

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“My vertigo makes it hard to keep it straight.” (While welding)


“35% of the population will be red, 25% white, 15% yellow and 15% blue. this is true no matter where you go. I have also assigned colors (intended to ascertain individual’s personalities) to certain cultures for zero fucking reason” (i swapped the names around a bit cuz idr exactly but this is like an actual thing the guy said)

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