Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


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not the last bit ofc but

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we did a “tea” class for like 3 weeks (we had 3 weeks of weird random classes), where we drank tea and then me, her, the girl I went to freshman year homecoming with (:joy_cat:) and 3 freshman girls talked MAD shit. drama about people I lowkey didn’t even know. really prepared me at the drop of the dime to pretend to not like someone I knew next to nothing about, a surprisngly useful skill.



Whenever my friends hate on someone who I don’t know I go “so we hate this guy? is this the opinion I should have” basically as it’s a really funny bit to commit to when yoy don’t know the person


“No wonder you think the earth is flat. Because when your friends leave, they never come back.”


the book was shit but easily the funniest part was the fact that the teacher swore by it for literally zero reason
if you asked him he would say “nuh uh. its just intended for self-discovery” but everything else he said did not reflect this

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“I don’t use an M16 very often either but I could if I needed to.”

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most of the teachers at my school are genuinely brilliant but there were a few that were Not


Insurance for me in the future is going to be 600-700
I also have to pay like 550 in like, payments for medical and other stuff

I’m going to need to either get an internship really quickly (not happening probablt despite getting calls back) or get multiple part time jobs


(the speech teacher would mark you down if she disliked your topic iirc)
(the web development / finance teacher was actually hired as an IT guy they just let him teach too cuz they dont have anyone else for finance. he’s so funny)

sorry about that

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“I guess we know who we are throwing out in the hallway if we do get a terrorist”


oh and fasfa is delayed because of Congress changes to verification or whatever
I may have to pay out of pocket or go on a payment plan
which I can’t afford either


is this not covered by your liability insurance?

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it’s not medicial stuff from the car
it’s for medicine and stuff

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o I see I got confused because it was in a paragraph with car insurance

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or. possibly not car insurance

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