Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

You lose one Child Drowning Charge.


Boss, I was late for work today because I was too busy killing a million people

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wow arete really messed up this time


realizing this makes me sound like I don’t care about being late for work. I do care, I just think that infinity lives are infinitely more important

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How many lives before being late for work is more important?

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Fractions of lives. 1/1000th of a life? 1/10000th of a life? There’s definitely a line somewhere.

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look I’m just saying I feel like work will understanding saving a drowning kid but I think you will have a hard time convincing them of the fact that 1 million people were that urgent to kill before going to work

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What if your work is life saving surgery at a hospital?

And you may get fired

uhh depends on your job probably, like if you’re a cardiac surgeon the answer is very different from if you’re, spins wheel, an art critic


I think the issue with me is that I was a bit stronger back when I was in college and had to do a lot more (also completely exhausted but still). So I’m not used to my actions having this many consequences. I did not think I was over-exercising that much.

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God I can’t get over how funny being late to work is

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definitely neither of those, 1/10000th of a life, considering that is, like, well over a day out of of a typical american’s life.

probably depends on what work, and i’d imagine it’s a very small fraction

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My aunt’s a surgeon (breast cancer) and she acts like everything she does is surgery I swear to god. We were helping her host a party and she stressed so much about everything. I suppose it’s a habit you build when a not-insignificant portion of what you do is surgery

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Nobody is dying here because you don’t have the right liquor. Please. Please nobody is dying

I’m not a surgeon and I still do this what do I win

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Try becoming one?

i would be a horrible surgeon

There has to be a worst surgeon out there somewhere

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Why not make it you?

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