Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

thats def fucked up i agree

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kill the million, hopefully in 2740 years there won’t be mosquitoes anymore

[I am overstating my true position here]


there’s one malaria carrying mosquito tied to a track about to be run over by a trolley. you can pull the lever to instead switch the trolley to a track with five tied up malaria carrying mosquitoes. what do you do


I think this is the first situation where not pulling the lever will lead to blood being on your hands

(I have no information whatsoever on this situation beyond what I’ve heard in cookie thread) I feel like a lot of it is less an expose` and more, like, pointing to ~publicly available information and going “dude this is fucked up” and then people kinda snap out of their trance to go yeah. Fucked up

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don’t pull the lever (I don’t want to make the trolley riders late for work), then step on the five tied up malaria-carrying mosquitoes


Yeah I mean I’ve wanted someone more trustworthy and neutral to cover it, but honestly the shit about the fake giveaways during the merch stream and similar incidents seemed pretty well documented and absolutely vile if true even if the messenger is not great.

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mrbeast is probably too big to fail from this ngl

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i just wish he took the time to focus on the good arguments rather than trying to make a ton of arguments with varying stregnth bc then those good arguments are brought down by the surronding arguments. the fake lottery shit is hella scummy, but surronding that with a lot of speculation, hyperbole, and assumptions weakens that point bc u assume it also suffers from that


i was watching this when i was talking about watching the video lmao

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what if there was a multi track drift button that wouldn’t make the trolley driver late for work



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Coffeezilla please be a cookie threader and see this you do this too king even if you aren’t as bad pleeeaaase

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I wouldn’t be able to do the reactions for mrbeast if he was giving me money, I can’t even smile on command

My point is less anything about anything contained within hte video itself, it’s that it kinda doesn’t matter what the video says, really. It mostly just acts as an inciting incident to go “hey maybe we should criticise Mr Beast”. And then that’s, like, a thing that becomes acceptable to do in the Culture, instead of him being an untouchable philanthropist. Doesn’t matter who says it or even what they say really. Any kind of accusation at all that Your Friend takes seriously and people go “oh yeah he is kinda weird and scummy”

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When I was a kid visiting the Statue of Liberty and there was a bomb threat, right, and we all got evacuated and stuck on a boat for hours, which apparently hadn’t happened in ages. We got off and a reporter goes up to us and talks to me, and talks to my dad. Perhaps the two least emotionally expressive people int he world. We did not get on the news

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hypothetical time

You are able to create one of two pills immediately. These pills have no major negative side effects, sometimes resulting in minor nausea or indigestion, but nothing past that.

One of the pills has a 20% chance to cure somebody who has cancer within 8-12 hours. The cancer can be at any stage localized anywhere in the body and the pill has a 20% chance to cure it.

The other pills has a 90% chance of preventing cancer in somebody who would otherwise get cancer. They must take the pill weekly in order for this effect to remain. If somebody already has cancer, the pill does effectively nothing.

Which one do u make

Before this I didn’t really think of the ethical situations around this, I’ve just thought of him as the guy who spends a lot of money on his videos which sometimes help people, I didn’t realize that a lot of the money from his videos come from what he does to Optimize To Try To Get Money

i guess i just wish people on the internet were smarter about this stuff, bc i feel like you don’t see “the ilelgallottery stuff sucks” as much as “MR BEAST FAKED HIS VIDEOS?? HE LIED TO ALL OF HIS FANS???” and lots of very dramaticized thigns that are gathering any kind of attention such as likes on a post or views on a video, but thats also not an issue with the video itself more so how people react to any kind of viral news

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