Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

From what I’m reading they gave other courts hurdiscrion and not the Supreme Court

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yeah so how is like, gay marriage or whatever, who’s suing for them?

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some guy who wants to deny a marriage for gay people

Dobb vs Jackson appaearntly reverswd it
They could have totally stripped jusrdicrion if they had both houses

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Not for gay marriage for abortion

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yea the dobbs vs jackson decision was a total disaster anyways

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“no due process” my ass

Well, one way is for a state to ban it and then wait for someone to sue them and then run it up the appellate system until it gets to the supreme court for review.


This is how Roe was overturned lol


yeah that would definitely be suing the state right

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A party would likely sue the state’s AG.

this isn’t true of the american constitution but like
constitutions should be all about not letting anyone take away basic rights. i mean that’s like the point of the bill of rights for the most part.
i don’t know the history behind the 14th amendment but it seems pretty intended to grant people basic rights given the Everything Else about it and the 13th/15th amendments. it was passed during reconstruction? i think? which was a time of trying to rebuild the nation and actually help black people

i’m not a lawyer though. i am very biased here. but, given the fact that the supreme court has now openly been corrupt, it seems likely the dobbs vs jackson rationale was basically grasping at straws to overturn roe, using any method they could get

also there’s a lot of Shenangians with right-wing billionares attempting to influence the justices to overturn roe? iirc?
a lot of news investigations that i haven’t fully read about it. i should fully read these

may i once again re-iterate that i am not a lawyer and take this with a grain of salt

in many cases you technically sue the official enforcing it – e.g. Richard Hodges of Obergefell v. Hodges, who was technically being sued in his capacity as the director of the Department of Health in Ohio despite apparently being fine with gay marriage



(there are some specific constitutional restrictions on when you can actually sue a state)

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aren’t we the same age

esquire more like esquirrel amirite


It’s quite acorn-y pun, but it’s a real nutcracker.


in any case involving a law the governing body that upholds it would always be a participant

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