Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

not in like a year

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content note: discussion of cults and murder (also uh people are of course free to make their own decisions but some online communities I am in have had some Serious Problems with people deciding that polyphasic sleep cycles of the “get like 2-4 hours of sleep a day total” variety are Just Objectively Better and then attempting to implement them despite it not in fact being healthy for them. I believe this was among the tactics used by the Actual Cult several of whose members are now being charged with murder but I don’t remember for certain; I’m confident that it has caused smaller-scale problems. (to be clear I don’t think polyphasic sleep caused the murders))


there’s basically no evidence for 2 hour sleeps being good

some people say sleeping 5 hours twice is decent (and what we did a long time ago) but its really not that different from mono

it largely depends on your schedule

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Not for amother year tho

i dont understand

'm a paranoid person


im living in your walls


thats good to know
ive been having ideas of burning this place down for years



it got me thinking of the origin of this joke. i googled it. it was some edgy tiktok trend of people saying that to a schizophrenic tiktoker (or multiple)

and that got me thinking of a schizophrenic friend i used to have. she told me once as she was having a hallucination of people being stuck in her walls and yelling at her to let them out. its probably hell, probably the worst mental illness you can have. sometimes she had nice and interesting hallucinations like a cat sitting on her bed or a sakura tree. but damn though. i learnt a lot about it, its the biggest nightmare. i also learnt that people with it are very expresionless, their tone is very flat

if i was 5 years younger i would have made a mental illnesses tier list right now but i have a lot of filters working in my head right now and they’re telling me that’s a bad idea for multitude of reasons

but thinking about it. is entertaining to me. maybe thats just something you should only discuss privately, not joke about it publicly

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everything you claimed here is a good idea

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@Marshal @lilith do either of u wanna drop a mental illnesses tier list if you feel like testing the waters?


(i would have pinged may pre-mod too)

i warn against both doing so and trying to convince others to do so

I have minor hallucinations sometimes. The worst part for me isn’t actually seeing our hearing things that aren’t there, cause it’s usually not stuff that ends up being super consequential for me. It’s annoying but it’s never caused a major issue. The worst part is that literally anything that IS there hypothetically could be a hallucination. Usually it’s not! But the possibility is always there for me to worry about!


I am, like, peak irresponsible and filipant and even I am probably gonna have to pass on that one lol.


Maybe fixing schizophrenia is a matter of having a good night sleep. Apparently, sleep deprivation can induce schizophrenia symptoms that seems too much of a coincidence.

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i kinda fuck w/ this.

“sorry I was 3 hours late boss. Horseshoe of zyns at midnight was a bad idea and I got to sleep kinda late. Had to sleep in to prevent myself from becoming schizophrenic. you get it”


Like think about anything you could hypothetically be nervous about. Imagine you’re doing your taxes and you don’t wanna fuck up. And you enter all the numbers and fill out the forms and such. And you look over them to make sure they’re all correct. And they look right!

But sometimes you see things that aren’t there so how do you KNOW they’re right? For SURE? You just kind of don’t. It doesn’t matter how often this actually causes an issue. Because once it happens once it’s never IMpossible. Sucks!

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