Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Spiders are fine. I like hanging out with them

whenever i have a shower and i see a spider in the bathroom i go “hello!” and no spider has ever actually bothered me so I assume that I’m on good terms with the S (Spider) community


im generally cool with spiders but every once in a while we get like a hidden boss wandering our house who either A: swings down from the ceiling whenever he fucking feels like, including when youre right there or B: is so insanely massive and fast that he’s probably absorbing the strength of all the other spiders he finds


when I went out on the summer solstice I went into my bathroom in the morning and two fuckass spiders were next to each other in the middle of the floor both completely still

i have conquered most my fears i think. for example Im no longer scared of bridges

My dorm room had a lot of strange bugs in it all the time. Many to hang out with

sometimes I wonder if the bugs see me as the bug

sometimes, in this case, is right now and never before

my dorm room had bugs in it for the first two years and then i pioneered the innovative tactic of throwing away my food remnants instead of just leaving it there. and the bugs didn’t show up year 3


honestly generally i like saying hello to animals and treating them with kindness. the fact that i love every animal except for dogs, the kind you’re most likely to encounter, because of cynophobia, is some cruel cosmic joke.


im scared of most animals. now that i think about it that means i havent really conquered most my fears if Every Animal is on the list. except bugs. except also bugs if theyre like moths and have the ability to fly and have no fear

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This is the polar opposite of bullying

if an animal has any weight to it or moves fast and unpredictably it is scary. I like cockatiels because theyre small light guys who like to sleep 23 hours a day

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John Adiart

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I was attending a wedding and while going to the bathroom I saw A RAT ON THE CORRIDOR. When the sucker went to the other end of the hallway, I booked it

Rats can surprisingly be aggressive, a long time ago my dad had a garage and a rat appeared in there and it kept lunging to attack, legit jumping into the air

a powerful rat named charles entertainment cheese

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writing Thank You emails. i kinda am killing it i think

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i write excellent thank you emails but kinda suck at in person thank yous

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It’s okay Marizzler. I can type discord lord essays to my real life BFFs but then when we physically hang out, my head is blank