Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I don’t even get it why they need so much money for that they’re actively wanting so badly to push against climate change policy

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i love being Brazilian it’s such a joy sometimes

Friday in Portuguese is Sexta, and we abbreviate it sometimes

so i just saw an ad at the tv about Sex 2 at 8PM


Idk how id get around fake nonprofits tho

Energy companies have so much money

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Yeah there’s always a disconnect when people criticize communism/socialism having failed in other countries because half the fucking time the US engineered their collapse and the authoritarian thing is because that’s what happens after a lot of violent revolutions. French overthrew its monarchy in 1792 and established a liberal democracy, and then Napoleon took over in a military coup in 1799 lol. The system installed after a revolution isn’t to blame for a quick fall into a dictatorship, it’s the destabilization caused by the revolution.


You’re Brazilian??? I thought you were from the UK this whole time


In the words of Locke
British petroleum’s personal carbon footprint is the best PR move ever

did you confuse me with arctic or did i sound british?


I think it was food stuff and I went like “ah yeah that’s some psycho British diet”


I wonder if there’s still cases of people that get themselves in jail purposefully so that they can have their basic needs met


Eu falo no portugues

Did I say that right? It’s the one thing I remember from Portuguese other than “abrigado” which I think is like thanks or something



those 2 are sorta right

Eu falo português - Would be correct, yours is i speak in Portuguese, which is correct in english but it’s just a difference in speech

Abrigado - Just replace the A with an O and it’s perfect


There probably is

oh I was trying to be funny and say “I don’t speak Portuguese” lmao





i agree. this is unrealistic while there are houses. they house few people in a big amount of space. apartament complexes house times more multiple in the same horizontal space. if building houses becomes banned and they’re all slowly replaced with apartament complexes it could be feasible for there to be an apartament for every human, i think

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oh hey you have close to a good take here without me having to tell you it for once. good job toodles


The issue with single family homes isn’t really that we’d run out of land to build new houses on (we wouldn’t for a long time with average suburban population density), the issue is that they’re financially unsustainable on their own due to the cost to maintain the infrastructure they require. There was a suburban area in the US where the tax rate needed to be over 100% for the town to afford the maintenance costs on the water infrastructure. Suburbia is only possible in areas where there’s a dense urban core that brings in enough excess tax revenue to justify the enormous drain maintaining suburbia places on it. In the US, our zoning laws are kind of fucked and only allow for single family homes and high density housing which can be problematic because of the parking requirements that come along with it. Car dependency and zoning laws created to enable white flight are going to crush us if we don’t start redensifying our housing and investing heavily in public transportation and making cities more walkable.