Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

There’s alot of houses. USA and China as an example, both have a horrible amount of ghost towns.

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my earlier take was not bad. your country is not my country. capitalism being a huge mess in your country and people from your country rebelling against your boomers by fetishizing an existing autocratic ideology that has hurt people of my country doesn’t invalidate my negative connotations towards that ideology. sure, you can say that just because you’re borrowing the name it doesn’t mean you want to follow the actual things it did, and you can dream about how in theory it can do all these good and perfect things, but that’s not really relevant to me. that’s just writing fan fiction, which sure you’re free to write all these fan fictions, which can make people happy to dream about, like sonic the hedgehog kissing spiderman fan fiction. you’ll have just as much luck convincing people by making a movement, calling it fascism, and arguing that it doesn’t actually share any similarities with german fascism, it just borrows the name. if you dont want it to be like communism then it needs a different name. it’s not a good PR move to name your ideology after something that has hurt people



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I don’t consider myself to be a communist. I was trying to communicate that what you were saying is not what most people mean when they say “seize the means of production”. It wasn’t necessarily wrong, just an oversimplification. But my comment was just me trying to tease you like I normally do and you normally seem to enjoy. My apologies that this was a more sensitive topic to you.


the worst part about nbowie in cookie thread is she talks a lot and i just dont read half of it and i just see “i dont consider myself to be a communist, my apologies” and i really truly want to know how we got here but then i scroll up and see like a billion words and


Silly katze, pat pat

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its cool im not upset at you, and i do like it when you tease me. i was just unsure how much you were serious about supporting communism so thats why i made a more serious reply, looks like i overestimated how much you do supprot it


Don’t you worry about those billion of words, you can go back to sleep :blush:

NYAAAAAAAAAA my brother sent me this


i wish i could i slept like shit and have to be awake for work instead

id try to sneak in a nap but i am actively waiting for something to come in


Guys, what is a xe/xyr

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I’m trying to stay awake for another 8-10 hours, but I want to sleep now


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If I speak, I am in trouble.


What are you trying to say with this


I am in trouble if I speak


We will never know

Mafia when town is pressing them for information:


just to clarify to you @Silviu200530 no, they aren’t the pronouns Neo (from the matrix) uses (i do think there is a non zero chance you might have thought that)


Nah, as an S tier manipulator and gaslighter, I have no trouble lying

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