Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I believe every worker is entitled to the fruits of their labor, and I think capitalism is clearly failing in the US. I identify sort of vaguely as a leftist and am more of a socialist than a communist, but that doesn’t mean I think a socialist dictatorship is a good idea either because I do support democracy lol


I was thinking if dreamhe/dreamshe and cathe/catshe would be considered neopronouns


i mean they could be. you dont know them. neo is a trans allegory anyway


anything could be considered a neopronoun


neopronouns are neat

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im in a weird place where I dislike using they/them as nb/etc. default pronouns but the fact that pretty much every new pronoun I’ve seen suggested has some of the least common letters in the entire english alphabet in a way that just makes them feel unnatural and stick out and basically unpronounceable means I also think they/them is the best option I have seen

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yeah. sorry that i made you worried or anxious that you upset me, you didn’t at all, just to be extra clear. even if you were an actual autocratic communist supporter i wouldn’t hate you, like i don’t get triggered over political opinions, at worst i was just being serious as opposed to goofy, but no worse than serious, like i wasn’t “yelling” at you, in my mind, when i wrote that post



I love tuttie fruttie

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One ye for bernie sanders (I don’t know what he does but I’ve heard he’s a popular american socialist)

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i mean yeah
theres, like, a spectrum
the most common ones like xe/xem/xir are used (to my knowledge) as a distinct option outside the binary, kind of like how i use it/its
but pronouns are an expression of the self and some neos are used in a way which expands on that. i dont really get it but i understand why people would

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Pronouns exist for a simple reason. If someone has an identity issue with a gender based pronoun, then using they/them is an acceptable choice. It’s also something I default to when talking to people generally.

Although I do not use someone’s neopronoun, and out of protest of the entire idea I have been just ignoring them. Which has led to big fights in the past, something I find ironic.

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for why?

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this is actually true, at least somewhat. most of the time when people (here) say this, like lilith saying dragonite is lesbian its just a joke, but neo is definitely dressed very fruity. one of the siblings who directed it came out as trans

and apparently the other one did too after i just googled, i didn’t know that

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There are a lot of situations where it is grammatically awkward due to the fact it can be either singular or plural

It’s clunky

its a bit clunky but like still very usable

ftr id rather you punch me in thhe face than they/them me


but why? if someone believes their gender is more easily affirmed with the use of neopronouns why is it up to you to decide whether thats valid or not?

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that sounds fun


Yeah no it used to be the Wachowski brothers, it is now the Wachowski sisters

p funny tbh

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Yeah which is why I think it’s the best option I’ve seen

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