Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Doesn’t mean I like it tho

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But like at least I can pronounce it

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i think thats like. Just a language thing and as long as you get used to it its fine like alot of things its contextual

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I don’t really understand neopronouns but this does not stop me from supporting them and such


it’s a non-gendered term that just refers to a person

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i dont use they them for anyone. not because opposed to it conceptually i just can’t pronounce it


Tbf transphobes sometimes use they them to avoid correctly gendering a binary trans person

again, I would theoretically prefer a better set that dodges the ambiguity surrounding plurality, but I never claimed it’s unusable as-is lmao

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But it’s not an issue for “you” which is similarly both singular and plural?


i personally dont use neopronouns but like i completely see the use and support it entirely. anything that allows people to feel more seen or explore their gender in a more accurate way is awesome

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Neopronouns have no use, and it’s not something that you grammatically use when speaking about yourself. So there is no identity tied to a neopronoun. It’s only something that a small group of people have started to accept and then telling each other there is some gender affirmation influence from for example “xi/xer”.

Although this is inherently flawed as it just wouldn’t be logically consistent with any understanding of gender I am aware of.

I am against the idea of gender in general, and I only partake in social gender because over people are so reliant on the social idea of it. Doubling down on this bad behavior and creating neopronouns that have zero historic or social identity tied to them only furthers an issue I hate already.

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historical reasons

this is what i was trying to get at with my word soup

It is generally the case that I would much prefer “you all” or “you guys” or similar for plural you

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Unironically yes

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This is like.

Out of context but like… this is typical transphobe logic

you can very often use the same logic for completely different sides of the same issue

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