Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Also you don’t have to understand it to at least respect a persons pronouns

The only reason I accept transgender or binary logic is because I agree with two simple concepts.

1.) The standardization of a gender identity causes a lot of harm for certain people.
2.) Allowing movement in this has proved to cure that ailment.

The reason I don’t indulge in neopronouns is because they cure no problem, and only seem to exist to further dilute the understanding of personal identity and gender.

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Yea fair it’s just disconcerting

okay but human compassion for a group of people with a different view on self expression is pretty neat


The thing is we used to have dedicated singular and plural second person pronouns and epicene third person pronouns, but both were reduced to “you” and “they” for both singular and plural second and epicene third person respectively. It’s arbitrary that some randos declared that singular “they” was wrong and singular “he” should be used instead despite singular “they” being used without issue and has actually been used without issue this whole time (we already use singular they when the antecedent is a word like “sombody”, “nobody”, “anybody”, etc.).


this is just Not True

i get what u mean bc like ya, no gender would be sick, but there are also people who view the exact opposite and see the issue as there not being ENOUGH genders to express themself. and those people are valid! language and society constantly evolves and there is not one person who can decide what is and isn’t valid for those people to express themself. i can understand not understanding it or thinking that their ideas are flawed, but that doens’t give you the right to decide whether or not you should affirm another person’s gender

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Sorry I’m trying to understand this

Expression, and the freedom to express yourself is not inhibited by having the pronouns “they/them”

This freedom can be controlled and limited if a person is “he or she” in our society.

That’s just the simple difference for me

i don’t understand what you mean by that

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Uh. That’s just false? I think?

See: Lilith who is right here

what do they gain outside of being comfortable with how they express theirselves
theres no sick and twisted power fantasy behind getting people to use fae/faer for you
theres nothing to be against but people being comfortable with who they are


It’s not. You are probably just not understanding the origin of what causes gender identity conflict.

The existence of “they/them” does not by itself dictate who you are as a person in our society.

While man and woman clearly do.

i don’t really understand neopronouns but if someone directly asked to be called something differently id try my best to do that


Yeah this pretty much


The key point is not that they can only be plural before becoming more widely used as a pronoun for nb+ people, but only that it has become worked into a lot more contexts where it wouldn’t be confusing before

In particular, talking about a group of people containing one or more nb people who you would also like to refer to is objectively less straightforward than if everyone in said group used different pronouns than the pronoun to refer to the group as a whole

Most of the time it’s fine but those cases can be moderately annoying and I do wish we had come up with some widely-agreeable term instead

I genuinely don’t think it’s any deeper than that “wouldn’t it be nice” feeling tho idk why y’all seem to be against that because most of the nb people I’ve talked about this with also agree it would be nice lol

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reject gender embrace animal identities

you are cats and dogs and birds and stem majors, not “male” or “female” or “gender”


You can think on a very small level and just accept things, I have no problem with that.

Although the argument for these things are different. That’s all my point, if you want to handwave the argument away because it’s not something you care to breakdown, then I wouldn’t care either.

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