Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Right. I’m saying that as a tactic, it sucks and is virtually never going to work. The rule is more likely to affect things that should be okay than it is anything actually problematic.

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do you think people unequivocally enjoy having their face and name be used as a sock puppet to say things they may dislike then

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i move in tmrw chat


I think it’s normal for things to happen in mafia that people don’t enjoy. Whether it’s unenjoyable enough to be banned is like, a question of weighing tradeoffs

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People odn’t like being called liars in general but they still play mafia

the tradeoffs are being argued about yes

I think if a wolf lying about what you said is something you’re not okay with, I’m not sure why you play Mafia, the game where some number of players are literally lying and making shit up from minute 0.

Yah but you asked if people unequivocally enjoy it and I feel like that’s less relevant than “is it worth”

hope everything goes well with the process!


the way what i was replying to was phrased confused me with your response, apologies

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Good luck


First time away from home for long?

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you stated that things that it would effect things that should be okay

which i can only assume you were referring to jokingly misquoting

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I assume also cropping quotes to make them more readable, when people quote an entire textwall to respond to one piece I want to blow them up with explosions badly

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Once I told somebody in a BotC game that I’d send them a physical trophy if they were evil and they were evil and I didn’t sned the trophy.


It was like twenty bucks I should’ve tried to acutally do it

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Nah lol

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Ive been gone for like a month before

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I think it could technically apply to all sorts of edits to quotes that are all doable in good faith beyond just joking, and you’d need to ban a very specific kind of quote editing for it to be fine. The thing is I can willfully misinterpret something someone said and use accurate quotes to knowingly push something they disagree. It’s the literal same exact thing. It’s effectively putting words in someone’s mouth. It should be fair game because villagers do it by accident regularly. It’s certainly not pleasant for the people whose words are being misrepresented, but I don’t think it matters if the quoted words are literally accurate if the meaning and intent is being twisted.