Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

A thing that is certain for me, for a group of my ex-classmates, I will miss them and I feel sorry I can’t even maybe be entertaining enough as a person? Or maybe developed to be close?

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you do know uni is the time people spend to make friends they like when they go into adulthood?

having memories is nice
but building a future instead of trying to think of the past is better

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When it comes to my physical town, there’s no past except for my time spent with my BFFs

that’s the same for a lot of people

You think so? I think there’s alot of people who spend a fair in the physical world and maybe do alot of dumb memorable stuff

how many people do you think i know, for example

theres eight billion people in the world, and so few of them will matter to you in your lifetime

who cares if you didnt become best friends with everybody you mightve seen

I felt the same way graduating high school. But there wasn’t anything I could do to change it, y’know? I can’t go back and be a high schooler again. It’s ultimately a small portion of a life and having achieved insufficiently many Satisfaction Points in that specific segment doesn’t hugely matter. The people who had the “complete” experience I wanted missed out on other things and probably regret it. Regret’s largely a pointless emotion. You can’t go back and do those things you didn’t. All you can do is use it to inform future decisions.


I think that what’s bothering me is that I don’t think I’m too interesting, offline my brain just freezes and stay quiet and online I can only speak seriously and meaningfully about some encyclopedic nonsense. Maybe this is granted for somebody who spent alot of their time in front of a screen, but gosh, I really wish to be one of those people that can just be entertaining to be around

want to hear something funny?

What is it

i heard from a photographer once
nice person, has a husband


so you see she goes around a lot and takes these photos of celebrities


and these celebrities, these top star models, somehow, say to her they dont like the way they look


then she takes photos of regular people

they say they dont like the way they look either, its just for work


then she takes photos of herself, for her work and for her husband

she doesnt like the way she looks either


so if these top star models and everybody down the totem pole says they dont like the way they look
who are you to say you arent entertaining to be around?


It’s also surprisingly easy to become more entertaining to be around. Even if you’re only really comfortable online. I got better about talking to people in the real through talking on voice chats and streams. Talking aloud and talking in text are different skills, and getting your brain to successfully retrieve words and say them takes practice. Trying the whole “talking aloud” things online where I was more comfortable helped a lot.


Meow nya purr

i debated going for your shins with an axe but i figured its not the right time during the motivational speeches

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