Danganronpa: ReWorked or thread how to better improve the DR games in general.

Don’t worry about it. I just like talking about Danganronpa.

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misread something

My plan for this game is that the setting will take place on an airship and in every chapter you’ll all go to different islands, kind of like SDRA2.

The continually expands thing is kind of annoying because people for some reason keep revisiting old places which just takes up host time and accomplishes nothing.

Will inventories be reset between islands?


Also I’m basically making murder attempts 100% chance provided that you make a realistic attempt to kill someone and not /use a feather and tickle Icibalus to death.

Stats at times kind of feel pointless, NGL. I feel like I can just remove them to make the game more simple without taking away too much from the game.


My plans, ruined!

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It’ll make people feel less special ig

what the fuck someone is tickling me help im gonna di- dies


Time to create a murder using evidence from an old island.

So the intended victim can’t fight back, eh?

Or close off areas ala Death City.

lmao fair enough

kunaigeddon 2 would be funny though, with RNG now in play

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I think GGhana would agree with this.

I don’t see how much of an advantage that would be?

Actually, scratch that. I’m basically going to require people to knock others out before killing them to make it more realistic.

The feather is the perfect weapon. No one ever suspects a feather as the murder weapon.

But what sort of feather is it?

Katze ulted during Kunaigeddon, so they didn’t need RNG either way IIRC.

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That makes sense. That’s how Gundham Tanaka killed Mechamaru Nidai to save everyone else in Chapter 4.


Tell me more how DR5 managed to fix some of the game’s flaws?

it did Not, it was quite frankly a disaster. an extremely entertaining and well-executed disaster, but a disaster nonetheless. but i learned a lot from it! i’d talk more about what i’m donig to fix the flaws i noticed in the course of hosting it, but DR6 is far from finished and I don’t want to talk too much before we finalise things

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Who ever tries to pre in DR6 gets the newspaper.