Deceive Inc 10er - Day 2 (7/10) - TOWN WINS

he just like me fr

i town read tutuu

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i’ll take your words to heart and reevaluate again i Guess. i hate being aggro anyway i feel like i’ve been a bit too much

this is why i just vote lol cuz he hasn’t changed lol

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would make sense if my first read wasnt “tutuu is pocketing zugz seems sus” but then i changed it because people got mad at me for trying to rile up conflict too bad


thanks arcy pat pat

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how would i change in the middle of the game


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its not a conversion game

i still dont get the zug read that dude is probably town just kill the lowposters lmao

i think the idea is if you were a villager you would have done something towny by now but i’ve read your posts and idk i’m not seeing it

i wont lie i am probably confbiased but it’s not like i found ur posts after i made my case wolfy its just i dont think ua re towntelling

define towny and ill do it

self-voting and never returning to the thread is kinda villagery


while we have all been at each other’s throats who is the one player sitting at the sidelines eating popcorn and chiming in with some well-agreeable takes that cause no offense to anyone?


kill zug so we can hold hands and sing kumbaya


VOTE: lol


i feel so drained for no reason. i keep going to iso someone but then my brain tells me “maybe do something else instead” am i burning out? is this what it feels like


there are a number of people who have been conflict-averse this game. zug is the highest poster from them all

new player cant meta. sad hours

there seems to be a theme this game in players not liking tutuu’s town reads. anyway this post seems risky to do as scum. so either they are town or a risktaker

he likes to defend and accuse off others reads it seems. i dont know from looking through the replys but this message wasnt directed at zug but he still rushed too lol’s defence. even tho

he had just voted on him before?

he fucking flipped the read so fast oh lord

he cant keep lol in a slot. from scum to town to null.

zug is very messy with his reads not being able to keep a read for more then a few minutes. but he is also funny.

A lot of his messages tho do sound kinda “Hello fellow humans” a bit. but i wanna chalk that up to him being in a new enviroment and not knwoing anyone here?

in short understand tutuu’s view on zug but want a deeper look in myself when its not 10 am in the morning


i read zug’s iso (in this game) and while my post on them earlier still stands i will have to check meta to see if the conflict-aversion from them is actually wolfy cuz if it isn’t i don’t really wanna kill them.

(i just wrote out a big paragraph explaining why they are probably town because they aren’t a wolf with lol but if they were a wolf it would be more optimal for them to just agree to the town!lol wagon rather than to suggest killing a random low poster but i forgot that lol claimed VT so this is all invalid)

shrug. there’s some micro towny things but i think they could go either way. i might just knuckle down and actually look at the linked games rn


is it because you are mafia? that normally happens to me when i am mafia.