Deceive Inc 10er - Day 2 (7/10) - TOWN WINS

hated Lol’s wagon. would like an eye on them if this flips evil but i am not scum reading them for it

IT’LL BE MY TIME EVENTUALLY. for someone who is locked evil in my BOTC server being locked good here is such a wild experience

ew this feels like preparing for the future. idk. keep an eye on this guy

now time for the 100’s ;-; fuck

oh a lot of people didnt like that message

min is never w/w with lol. send it

i mean… i think i have only played a handful of games with min. but i do remember them being aggressive in PAYOR. but that was when he was the main suspect and he was being aggresive to push the light onto an actual wolf magnus. there is a possibility that min gets aggressive under pressure using this ideology which means he is currently feeling pressure at this time? this could mean many of things but it could mean he has importance here

@min what did you mean by this post?

now i feel bad.

… gut says townie post… but i really cant explain why

oh shit wait. thats what Tutuu did to me last game. i made a (looking back on it a not the best post but covid brain go brr) and she tunneled me for it. she was town that game so town lean gets awarded to tutuu i guess?

this seems towny… i am sorry min


LOL and Tutuu get to be later brain break

but for now

town lean:



(To be done Porscha, Lol, Tutuu)
Actually i can do posrcha now

nevermind i have nothing for poscha

Porscha gets Null award

I have 0 mafia games

So why did Kii claim PR and why did they claim a doctor type of PR

It’s because I’m an idiot who commented because someone commented about me not being important so I immediately just was like “Excuse me, no I’m not” and then disclosed everything :sob:

I got baited

initially I read this post and went “mmmmmmm ok maybe”.
but after thinking for a while, I realize this makes NO sense from town.

what town sees their TR getting limmed and says “oh, well I guess that’s just going to happen, I might as well pile on their wagon instead of voting my SR!”
literally no town does this

VOTE: tutuu

(more comment on this soon, but I didn’t want to take away from my main point by drowning it in extra ideas)

Outed mafia

describing yourself i see :joy_wolf:

VOTE: Zugzwang

so why do you think i’m outed?
I see you as a wolf panicking here.

U know lol will flip town and ur trying to kill me next

and have you not considered the town perspective here of me realizing that your post made no sense from town?

town is wrong all the time, and the fact that you’re suddenly ignoring this shows your panic imo.

but anyway explain to me how your vote on lol makes any sense from town.

and also ironic to see this. as i was literally making a post explaining how your vote on lol makes sense from the perspective of trying to get me limmed d2.

Ur just doing the lawyer thing ur a wolf