Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

Actually you know what? Drop that statement.

  • Brad

See the issue for me is I do that as both town and as mafia, so I can’t read it as scum behavior. I think they were one of the first people to really try to get the ball rolling which is what made that awkward is people kinda just over looked the wall and say this doesn’t feel like a town. That view was strengthened when they found out it was specifically posted by arctic.

Nah, I think they were blendy compared to Icy, Ivy, and even 22. Their biggest “contribution” was a contrived defense of 22.

Maybe I skimmed the to fast, so can you link me to this defense or provide a post number.

Every single one of their posts from 187 to 202 is defending 22, for instance. And they have the lowest postcount of anyone here, hardly someone who wants to get the game rolling. Though the fact that everyone has seemingly decided to lynch the lowest poster is another concern, granted it was like that before a couple people had even shown up

Have I missed something? Please quote it so I can respond
I was in rehearsal until a few minutes ago, I have 30 minutes before my friend picks me up so we can go see the fnaf movie


I already pointed it out, the exchange starting at 780

And yeah GTH reads are a thing you know

ok i confused

Me lootz and catch-22

helldualies called this a wolfie post but like ive said before I do agree that it felt like people swept arctic reads under the bus, I think I even mentioned it when i saw how people reacted to arctic wall. Im not as adamant as ML though.

You want my opinion on your fight with Abbi?
That was just you not knowing her meta and being wrong for like a hundred posts
But it’s all mindset-based filler where neither of you are actually going to change the other’s mind and I don’t think that argument was alignment indicative because playstyle doesn’t change that much between alignments, at least not to such an obvious degree, so that would have happened regardless of your alignments

Unless I went to the wrong post
If you highlight text and click “quote” it’ll link that post to the post you’re making

I don’t see how this is relevant to what I said I think I read something wrong


Oooo there was a fight?

Did someone catch it on video?

  • Brad

Can someone provide posts to this fight lol

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I know her meta (can’t talk about it because, you know, ongoing game). I just strongly disagree with how she plays. Let’s just leave it at that. Also, I would have played this differently if I’d randed a different alignment, I don’t see what you’re talking about.

You don’t need a lot of time or effort to make reads, contrary to your excuses. You were engaging with NAI stuff pretty well.

literally just read up, Oricel and Neon were going back and fourth, i was the only other person existing during it


After you asked I literally posted a readlist though…?
Are you just upset I haven’t caught a scum yet

this arguement is just wifom :person_shrugging:

Also, I don’t see how in good faith anyone can disagree with me that there is a such thing as bad play. My analogy of pulling names from a hat to decide who to vote for for example lol. But this argument is unproductive, wolfhunting should be the primary focus.

In general yeah but that fight would have happened regardless cuz you’re fighting over whether there is a right or wrong way to play mafia which is not related to just this game and therefore isn’t tied to your alignment in this specific game


No, it’s not. As town, I play to town wincon, and as wolf I play to wolf wincon. Doing otherwise would be throwing. Why is this difficult to understand?