Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

Still in Game Review, the reviewer hasn’t been online in like a week

I don’t have anything atm because I was taken hostage by my siblings all day
I was hoping my hydra would play
From what I glanced at (5-6 posts maybe idk)
I think HD is town

What’s your read on me?


I’ve got nothing
Your early aggressive playstyle I liked
But I don’t know if that can be faked by you
I haven’t played with you before

I can also sympathize with having trouble digesting long paragraphs

So if you townread me and HD, that means HAI could be the only wolf on your wagon. What’s your read on them?

Keep in mind I’m stuck at post 313
I bookmarked it for myself for later

You could take a quick glance at their ISO and just tell me what vibes you get

I don’t have a read on them
I’m am stuck in the past for reasons I’ve stated

I am still held hostage, help!

If you look at their ISO, even out of context, what is your GTH on them?

They are looking at my PC RIGHT THIS MOMENT

Ok, fine,
I just want you to know I’m being watched

I’m not too impressed with the lolcatting right now. If you were any other slot, fine, but being the one under the most scrutiny it looks weird

You will find that the more pressure I am the less seriously I take it

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The initial pressure phase is where I get most nervous

Well, do you have anything substantial for me yet?

It’s hard to have something substantial in 5 minutes! So far I see fluff!

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oricori is innocent child voting him is a war crime
