Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

You can at least look at the 25 or so posts before their reentrance last night

sorry for my lack of engagement
I should be free until eod to catch up but bear in mind other than skimming random things and discussing with tutuu I haven’t read much of the last 1000 posts so I will be a while


What are your thoughts on the fact that ML is the biggest wagon right now?

the real question is, will i?

If you’re cool, you will

i’m not really surprised judging from how the thread was going when i left

Do you think someone else should be the biggest wagon instead?

God there so much to catch up on, can anyone give me like a tldr of anything i missed.

can i answer this question after i’ve caught up because i haven’t read the majority of the game so i don’t know

Is this chad or psy?

isoing did not help

i feel like the way we type and talk is pretty distinct from each other


both of us are on right now though ftr

Did their post make you feel anything?

oris info prodding feels towny. its also agitating

oh wait this was at me. no not really

What do you think of ML’s side of the interactions?

What do you think that means in regards to their alignment?
