Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

VOTE: Miku

I hate you

It’s basically what you are telling everyone when you self-vote. Don’t want to say that, don’t self-vote

lol k


And another wagon for me to join (again) VOTE: Miku

vigging you tonight



If that’s a real claim, that’s the worst way to do that

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Does it affect your read on Icy or 22?

Pls god yes

I am barely awake
You’re probably right
I like to apologize in case

Why are you awake you’re not top wagon anymore



Because I keep getting responded to
I will go now…
Gouda bye
Brie you later


wereduck is a slot i’m kinda torn on, i remember thinking their “i’d probably be wolfreading my own partner” was a pretty strange thing to post as mafia, but other than a few tonal things idk

im not sure what to make of the way they defended melootz as “lhf town being shrugwagoned” other than they probably aren’t w/w?

I have never disagreed with you more OreoCostello and that’s really saying something

Come on! What do you think of the new potential viable wagons like Icy and HD?

My solution to this problem is


Just hang out

gears are not turning right now

I disagree with this so much what the only time which I’ve said this phrase was when I rolled scum