Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

ok thank you

that’s all I had and exactly why I’m not pushing on people, because I literally can’t be bothered to do more than read surface level stuff right now

ur welcome btw

No beating around the bush now
I put in the effort to do everything for you, tell us the posts that this applies to

Starting posts, right at the top, for the first one, after that just skimreading and seeing my name being mentioned a lot despite the fact up until late today I haven’t been any more active than anyone else has been so I just didn’t like it.

Also yes my name has been name-dropped a lot. It’s weird. That’s really it.

So just this

Pretty much the entire reason I’m voting on him is because he voted me yeah.

I did say, from the beginning, I didn’t want to make any pushes because they would be for shit reasons and I wanted more evidence

I didn’t particularly like people telling me to out my suspicions regardless just for people to shit on me for having suspicions in the first place. It’s not how I like to play and just makes me feel uncomfortable

And by uncomfortable I mean "I can’t reasonably type up a good reason for this and I know for a fact I’m getting shit on for writing this but godamnit people won’t leave it alone :sob: "

And yes the “no good reason” is because I don’t have evidence yet. It was and still is the start of the game I have NOTHING to go off of

I’m having a hard time grasping this tbh
Thats just a borderline post, he did take it too seriously, and from what you said it just refers to that

What’s the part that bothers you

There is
Far better reasons to scumread him other than just that

its incredibly simple and borderline
And its just one eh post

Probably, and I probably am scumreading him for that, hence why I get a bad vibe from him, I just don’t know how to put it into words or point it out

The point is that I didn’t have enough to go off of that I could make a reasonable case to vote out and kill the guy which is exactly why I didn’t want to. The only reason I have said anything at all is entirely because everyone seemed to really want to know what my suspicions were and like I said I felt like I was bullied into that rather than doing it because I had anything to say of value

Woulda been nicer if I just figured it out internally instead of being pushed into doing it when I haven’t got it figured out myself yet you know

Just a reminder that I’m she/her


You say you have enough to make a case and you don’t want to
But you’ve exclaimed your only reasons are that you can’t explain it and the first two posts he made

No I said I don’t have enough evidence for a case and I wanted to wait for more evidence to make one

There may never have been a case at all and in which case I could just move on without looking stupid as fuck instead

This is kinda the best chance you have
Hes not gonna be here for a while, and wagons are finally getting decided

I don’t have a case. I just feel like I’m doing what other people want me to do. I don’t want to vote anyone. I don’t want to bandwagon people. I literally just want to make sure shark doesn’t die because I think he’s gonna be upset if he does.