Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I’m not going to continue humoring these questions with responses. If it’s not obvious based on my post-chain then I can’t help you.

I hate newcomer favouritism as much as I would love to be alive I just hate it HATE IT

my man you just make yourself look even worse when you avoid questions that are genuinely important

claiming your a ‘‘less important town’’ when your whole motive was to take the fall for a more important role in the first place doesnt even seem legit

its not favouritism

for the first night i’d let you live

if you were important i kill you n2 or get you hanged d2 if i tried

Okay so you’re saying you continued to push on me for this small thing several times and now that I’ve finally gotten tired of being sussed for this small thing you are now pushing me for giving into your demands and not continuing to let you sus me.

Do you see why I’m not taking anything you say seriously right now?

oh no i dont care about that
i care about it sounding like this coming from a wolf/wolf perspective because thats
how it sounds to me and i have to kinda twist it to get your “intended” interpretation and i dislike that

well fuck you too
i am like a shining beacon of towniness if said beacon was submerged in mud

i dont know
i hated the greencheck but i vaguely liked gambler
i got off of voodoo because i wanted to see if he’d just roll with it or what but like you said he disappeared
litten’s entire post seems bad progression-wise because i dont remember him saying much about voodoo before this and its just kinda throwing out a bunch all at the same time

I’m pushing you for the amount of different motives you have, now I have another quarrel

You said you didn’t care about dying during the day so I could play, but you never wanted to die in the first place in the night?

That…doesn’t add up nor make sense

I probably just worded it terribly. I just really want to know what’s making him so scared of pushing me, and my conclusion is he’s scared of SUCCESSFULLY pushing me and killing me and having me be flipped town and then being next on the block for pushing me as hard as he has been.

Dying at night and dying by vote are two different things. Unless I’m a doctor role, I can’t really influence both.

Dying is the same thing, you flip either way, what would be the problem with it.

Dying because everyone said you were evil and wanted to kill you is not the same as dying because the mafia decided you were the best target for the night

One of those feels bad and the one is like “ah bad luck!”

Dying by vote is worse for a town to die from than dying at night, if you say you are less important and your motive was to die in the night, why not care about dying in the day and then care about dying at night?

im so confused on what you want now

so you want to die by a vote, and waste a day of getting a baddie

than die at night and protect another more important town role

these are all villagery especially the third one


we need to look at other people anyway because shark basically claimed self-resolving

I don’t want town roles to die. Also at the time I was in a shit mood and thought everyone really wanted me dead for some reason so I was like “eh fuck it I’m gonna die D2 if not D1 lets give shark a chance”

In hindsight it doesn’t accomplish anything because I am also a town role and I know that so in my view you’d be a better vote purely because I don’t know you’re town, even if you are.

It’s the thought that counts though!

Youuuu were town read by most people tbh, I’m in a not so good mood right now (which is why im pushing for a change) but I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself on D1 for me to be guaranteed an exe on D2 rather than you be like, a choice.

Plus, I can practically confirm myself unless someone wants to say

‘‘lol shark that can be mafia ability’’

But what would be the point in it being a mafia ability.

Idk I was tired as hell and saw some votes on me out of nowhere and I was like “ok lol untrusted moment no point trying”

Also you’ve claimed to have an ability. So have I. We could both easily just prove ourselves by using said abilities, though…It’s never going to be truly confirmed and you could just be lying about anything you claim to do.