Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

His posts show his internal monologue in them, which for a new player is really townie

Sure, I wouldnā€™t have to post but that would mean not being able to get away with dumb pushes in the long run. After all, you donā€™t win by not being caught, you win by reaching parity before people catch on.

You can easily just sheep a town leader that is wrong and whatnot, you have the knowledge of being an informed minority meaning you can just exist without doing much at all

what are yā€™all talking about

I tried to read it multiple times but my eyes canā€™t

talking about how AT has intentionally not left a presence on the thread


Itā€™s not EOD but the fact that you are both in your own world not commenting on whatā€™s happening so far is really concerning

read the posts and figure it out

I already gave my comment on Shark, I donā€™t need to add more

ā€¦out of cursorily, is mafia playing dicey dungeons in their chat?

Iā€™m just chilling. Idk about you.


Iā€™ll take that as a yes

I mean Im pretty sure Wazza is just projecting their play style onto me.

I am extremely tired. Who are the lynch targets?
I donā€™t have the energy to do much but I still want to use my vote.

Shark and Kanave

why did you disappear after a greencheck got claimed on you and why do you think itā€™s fake


My, my! So youā€™ve finally arrived! After our first meeting, I realised, something ghastly. Youā€™re not just a threat to monsters, but humanity as wellā€¦ Oh my. Thatā€™s an issue. You see, I canā€™t be a star without an audience! And Besidesā€¦ There areā€¦ Some peopleā€¦ I want to protect. Ahahahaha! Eager as well, eh? But donā€™t touch that dial! Thereā€™s something you havenā€™t accounted for. As any true fan would know, I was first created as a human eradication robot. It was only after becoming a star that I was given a moreā€¦ Photogenic body. However, those original functions have never been fully removedā€¦ Come any closer, and Iā€™ll be forced to show youā€¦ My TRUE FORM!

Fine thenā€¦ Ready?! ITā€™S SHOWTIME!


My name is Mettaton
And I am here to say
With the Power of NEO
I stand in your way!

Saving the kingdom from the fallen child of man
Others failed to stop you, but I know I can!

Real heroes never fear
Real heroes laugh at death
I will stand in your way until my final breath!
I dedicate my life to upholding whatā€™s right

Take a bow, human
And smile! Itā€™s closing night!

Drama, Romance, Bloodshed
I did bring!

But I will never let you destroy everything!

Unleashing all the power I can!
This is the final act for us, child of man! [Chorus]
We love you Mettaton! We love you Mettaton!
We love you Mettaton! We love you Mettaton!

We love you Mettaton! We love you Mettaton!
We love you Mettaton! We love you Mettaton!

Raising my face to the sky
Giving me wings and the power to fly

Curtains rise
Salvation I bring
This ballad Iā€™ll sing!

Will they all remember my face?
Can they escape this terrible place?
I must try, even though I may die
To protect land and king!

My name is Mettaton
And I am here to stay
Iā€™ll stand and fight here
Forever in your way!

Come and stop me
If you really think you can
I will not bow down
To a maddened child of man!
Real heroes never fear
Real heroes laugh at death
I will stand in your way until my final breath!
I dedicate my life to upholding whatā€™s right
Take a bow, human
And smile! Itā€™s closing night!

How do you think this will end?!
After the slaughter of heroes, and children and friends

Your mindless march towards an ultimate goal
Are you even still the one who is in control?! [Chorus]
Come on now Mettaton! Come on now Mettaton!
Come on now Mettaton! Come on now Mettaton!

Come on now Mettaton! Come on now Mettaton!
Come on now Mettaton! Come on now Mettaton!

If this is
The last time we meet
Then I shall
Accept my defeat
If it means
My people are saved
My people are free!

You must know
That you are too late
The doctor
Did evacuate

If youā€™ve still the will
The desire to kill
Then you must go through me!
My name is Mettaton
And so let noone say
I was a coward
And I didnā€™t save the day!

Iā€™ll sacrifice my life
But I am doing whatā€™s right
Every second Iā€™m here
Weā€™ve saved another life

Real heroes never fear
Real heroes laugh at death
I will stand in your way until my final breath!
I dedicate my life to upholding whatā€™s right
Take a bow, human
And smile! Itā€™s closing night!

The end of the worldā€¦
I face it with pride!
If Iā€™ve got the slimmest chance to stop your cruel genocide!

Hopes and dreams
Must prevail
So I shall stay here until the bitter end of this tale! [Chorus]
Exploding Mettaton! Exploding Mettaton!
Exploding Mettaton! Exploding Mettaton!

Exploding Mettaton! Exploding Mettaton!
Exploding Mettaton! Exploding Mettaton!

Will they all remember my face?
Can they escape this terrible place?
I must try, even though I may die
To protect land and king!

Raising my face to the sky
Giving me wings and the power to fly
Curtains fall
Salvation I bring
This ballad Iā€™ll sing!

Guess she should have worked more on the defensesā€¦ You may have defeated meā€¦ Butā€¦ I knowā€¦ I can tell from that strike, darlingā€¦ You were holding backā€¦ Yesā€¦ Asgore will fall easily to youā€¦ But you wonā€™t harm humanityā€¦ Will you?.. You arenā€™t absolutely evilā€¦ If you were trying to be then, you messed up! And so late into the show tooā€¦ Hahahahahahahaha! At least now, I can rest easy, knowing Alphys and the humans will live onā€¦

Ughā€¦ Guess you donā€™tā€¦ Want to join myā€¦ fan club


me posting lyrics because I got some stuck in my head