Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


I donā€™t know i literally skim-read it it just seems youā€™re annoyed that aelin is getting accused for (in your opinion question marks) stupid reasons which I can understand if you believe what theyā€™re saying is genuine BS

stares motherfuckerly
have you tried reading my iso

No you didnā€™t, you did an argument on why Iā€™m scum, unfortunately for me I am not Aelin now explain your Aelin push

Go away you arenā€™t involved in this

Iā€™ve interacted with you and seen most of when you post, nothings really stuck out

k bye

Explain why aelins good beyond emotions then

actually, i think youā€™re town but i scumread you a little more because of the confbias that this is theatre

i feel like my d1 was extremely towny other than missing the last eighth of it but go off i guess

Like this just reads as aggressive for one reason or another. Not condemming you for it just pointing out how it looks to me. I canā€™t make a decision on whether the anger comes from being a townie who is annoyed at such stupid accusations or an evil being annoyed that theyā€™re being scumread for what they presume is shitty reasons. Only interactions I have with you (wazza) specifically are BOTC where you play an outed evil role and just troll (not your fault) the entire time which doesntā€™ tell me much

Then your fine with me voting her


albeit it wasnt particularly drawn out

I donā€™t care that youā€™re voting her

I want your explanations so I can see if I want to vote it as well lmao

If this is about me arguing with Marshal in thread that was us genuinely annoyed at what one another was saying

This isnā€™t believable


Iā€™m going to sit in my corner and hold the vote on atno though. Wazza and aelin arenā€™t big pings on my so-called scumdar (which is broken and bad) so Iā€™m not going to analyze them yet

Iā€™ll let other people who know them better than I do do that so I can bandwagon later and be called stupid.