Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Kk, thanks, will try to ask about it from the others theeeen now, apart from Aelin since they already gave their kind of overview of it I think from the other posts that they have done

@Agent47 @Zone_Q11 (Sorry for disturbing or being annoying to you guys) but may I ask for like, a kind of small simplified summary (so i can understand it as a newbie) about why you voted Kii and jumped on the vote?

while this is true i remember PKR townreading me for pushing him and i couldnt really understand why so this read is dangerous

  1. Phrasing my posts, honestly, Iā€™m typing fast and not really looking into them for deeper things such as phrasing. Itā€™s content spamming and Iā€™m not really even giving any good content just a wall to read through rn.

  2. I get what you mean there but honestly I just donā€™t see you doing this in any game and I donā€™t know how Iā€™m supposed to read you due to it. I donā€™t know why W!Aelin comes into thread goes ā€˜Iā€™m doing a different styleā€™ and then goes for me off the bat and sticks to it. At that point it doesnā€™t feel just ā€˜opportunisticā€™ it feels like thereā€™s more to it and I donā€™t think that youā€™d risk a thing that could backfire later on already.

  3. Eh, honestly, Iā€™ll accept you keeping your vote on me for now I guess then. Hopefully once I stop panicking I can actually provide some good insight into me and people can finally see me as I am instead of whatever the fuck Iā€™m doing rn

I kind of do the monologuing to seperate stuff as usually they both are different topics or seperate responses, just to clarify (not saying this as a defense just to make sure)

also if i were being coached then theyā€™d be a pretty good coach ngl

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Thanks Jarek, you are the best coach ever

Shit wrong chat

shark and fk w/w

I did not get the message then.

When I read P#125, all I see is you telling Jarek to ā€œnot do itā€. I initially thought you and Jarek were somehow W/W and heā€™s claimvig, before quickly dismissing the radical and baseless thought. Nowhere did I see ā€œAelinā€™s question is stupid. Jarek, donā€™t answer her.ā€

When I read P#133, my first thought was not ā€œI will die from embarrassment,ā€ but ā€œI will die because of Jarek.ā€ I legitimately thought you and Jarek were W/W because of this, before dismissing the thought because: ā€œWhy would scum tell that in public instead of in scumchat?ā€ Then I thought that you two were V/V Lovers or something, and that you would die if Jarek dies, but the same question appears: ā€œWhy would a lover tell that in public instead of in lover chat?ā€
ā€“and then I just wrote that I am confused.

To reiterate the first sentence: I did not get the message. I did not read what you thought you wrote.

Shark, buddy, please stop jesting about. I get that weā€™re less than 400 posts in and focus has been on few people so far but like this is painful and I canā€™t get a take on whether youā€™re good or bad. All thatā€™s happening is youā€™re making it hard to read you and thatā€™s not good.

it was one joke :c

Kii, when i say this, i dont mean syntax
i mean tone
point 2 makes a lot of sense though and im glad you expanded on it
iā€¦ dont really like p3 for the lamist but regardless, iā€™ll come back to you later, and i will judge harshly soā€¦ do good, i guess. no pressure! :P
/unvote Kiiruma
/vote Firekitten @Host_Account_1
@Jarek how much FM have you played?

He told me to shut up. No matter whether it was done ā€œpolitelyā€ or not, I felt offended and replied with a ā€œNo Uā€ and a vote.

wolf and wolf? what

First game of a true FM game but a BOTC game before this

aelin asked jarek to say whether it was serious or not
i said ā€œdonā€™t do itā€
this is the same as saying not to respond to aelin

thank you for being obvious town though

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Same exact experience I have ^

hmā€¦ alright

ye the question was kinda stupid in hindsight but its oh well

point 2 doesnt make any sense

you doing this as a wolf is perfectly plausible - pkr is an easy push to make and you have the excuse of wanting to change your village game