Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

this doesnt make any sense
i townread it

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I liked this because I agree it makes no sense.
Not that I agree that I TR it.

I don’t know how to respond to agent when I have no fucking clue what they’re saying with that part.

I get the ignoration part a little bit? But the other parts don’t make sense, to me they seem genuine and I don’t think anybody is trying to ‘‘pocket’’ them (i would like more clarification on what the word means) right now as Kii didn’t seem to actively try act bad or nervous at the game really, it just in general looks like a genuine panic

Basically: ATE

they’re probably the best wolf player on this site and the only game i’ve played with them they completely played all of us
so these reasons to townread are probably not good
but tbf i dont know what i would townread them for anyway

:skull: well thats gonna be difficult!!!

Though yeah neither, I’m just trying to use the basic knowledge that I have to read others

If I’m alive in lylo and there are zero wolves yet it’s a pretty safe assumption to scumread me


can we halfway rule you instead


i’m holding you to it
i expect a self vote on day 3

You are indeed very townie. Do not worry.
I will likely be asked why, so my logic is that this post has a lot of soul to it.
Hard to put into words (because my english is a bit limited), but you made a post that feels very genuine.

Also, I am sorry to be a little baby but what does lw, vt, pr mean? I am not new to mafia but I don’t know what it means.

it has to be after two town executions and I’m still alive

if I killed wolves and I’m still alive that means protectives are doing their jobs

Lost wolf, vanilla town, pr is important role I forgot what it stood for

so do you just not bus

Ok, so AtE is one thing.

But ‘you’re trying to get others to pocket you’ doesn’t make sense… considering pocketing is what a wolf tries to do to town.

And unless you’re saying I want a wolf to get me to townread them, you said the wrong thing

So now going off your AtE thing, well, I can’t really defend myself too much there as I know my ‘panicking’ could be seen as AtE but all I can say is, it’s legit and I mean, it’s been 4 hours where I’ve had pressure for most of it so I think, just try and look from my perspective?

Basically everyone not Vanilla

Power Role.
It’s a person who’s not vanilla

I heavily dislike Shark’s P#193. If it was meant as a joke, then I am not seeing the joke.

I don’t like his P#240 either. Or rather, why bring the topic up in P#235 in the first place? This is FM; not BotF. Why is Shark bringing that up again? Now this feels awkward.

…reading the one-sentence posts up to P#260, all I see is Shark who awkwardly tries to join the conversation, but fails to do so. None of his posts are actually progressive; all his questions have answered that IMO lead to nowhere once answered. (E.g. P#260: why would someone think AT as town is useless what")

Note to self ( @Zone_Q11 ): Check out on ATNO and Shark at D2 & D3.

I agree with Aelin in P#270. Agent being null is okay, but as for FK, Mist, Aelin, Shark, and Jarek…

  • Jarek… I will just push as “nulltown” for reasons I will not mention.
  • Shark is just scummy for reasons I mentioned above.
  • Aelin is the one who pushed for Kiiruma, so it’s kinda sketchy how -given that Kiiruma is using AtE as his main weapon up to P#270- he isn’t just “politely asking her to shut up” earlier.
  • Mist hasn’t posted much, so null is somewhat acceptable, but I have second-hand bias from Arctic that Mistyx is scummy.
  • FK has been townlean so far, progressing the threadstate along with Arctic. There is also a personal reason I townlean FK, but I will withhold this information for the time being as well.