Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

can you quote it


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i dont know how but the SINGULAR quote died

did you read the post which i pinged you asking you to read?

So Aelin, we have about twenty mins until my head dies. What exactly are your thoughts regarding the game state. What exactly made you change the way you approached the game?



I will read it

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i dont like the top two wagons
thats not to say i dislike them but i still am just
not seeing what makes voodoo so magically towny and apparently zone looked and instantly saw it and that just gives me paranoia there
and i havent interacted with kiiruma too much today but they havent done anything to reverse my read from yesterday
at i have to reread to see if they became more scummy
they werent great and i dont like how theyve been on literally everyone’s tongue but just recently became a major wagon
i dont really know what you mean by the last part

can you fix the quote
it makes it hard to read

what I mean by the last part is there’s a distinct difference between the way you approached the game D1, and d2. Do you notice it?

your “me/arctic” tinfoil also just doesnt feel real
im currently trying to like
discern from your words how serious it is and it seems like its half-there, half-not
like you seem to constantly be joking with arctic about it but also seem to be seriously thinking about it and im trying to decide if its AI or not

most of my shots in the game are to see how people react to them

I will say a lot of stuff but I will not act on a lot of stuff, I say what comes to my mind and watch how other people react to what I say

it’s very easy to read some of my non joking posts as joking and Vice versa

d2 i havent been here and when i have been here ive been pretty focused on defending myself
im still trying to put in the effort though but a lot of my solving attempts are being rolled over by “ooooh aelin/wazza was so theater-y why should i bother with this” and its been very irritating to see
i suppose spoilering my case was a mistake but it is what is is and im not letting it go entirely unannounced which is why im pushing it here, and sure ill fix it

for some reason my reaction to this is “why are you explaining reading people to me”
regardless… yeah.

because some people seem to still not get how I play the game

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wallpost is fixed btw

It was not instataneous. Arctic had given me a string of quotes which made him townread VooDooSh, and the last three posts of that string are more likely to come from a gamethrowing town than from an FPS’ing wolf.

Sorry, I suppose I shouldn’t say “instantaneous”
But it still took literally a few minutes