Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

if you think ive been useless this game you’re looking at my postcount and not my actual posts


Member of scumteam realizes going for post-game credit is only a town thing. They do that

That has nothing to do with how useless VooDoo is. [Towny & Scummy] =/= [Useful & Useless].

No and I assume it’s because I haven’t let you, because I (hope) I haven’t let enough slip to give you the chance.

Yes that’s my post there it is.

How is he not evil for acting like a cop role then suddenly deciding he’s bored of pretending to be a cop and then doing nothing but posting 1-liner posts all throughout today. How.

Oh I thought you meant move the vote

From what I’ve seen, your posts are one liners like this

Since we were talking about votes and I dont think anyone would care about who I thought was being useful

im not willing to look through individual isos but i went to sleep at about 7:30 AM EST and woke up about 5:12 PM EST and only got into thread around midnight
the point where people started getting off me happened somewhere between when i went to sleep and right before noon according to the new vcs

If that was the case, then why risk getting modkilled for weaponizing the host?

No. We just have differing levels of thought process, and it’s either that you two are undermining the situation, or I am simply dumb.

and yet half the game has found me town for it

ive been attacking your arguments and instead of refuting youre refusing to explain and just saying “im scum so why bother” which is exactly what i said ive been hating happening all day
on top of that one of the first interactions this game literally stated that youre new to fm so its not a lack of knowledge contributing to it

read my posts

i was like “I thought wazza was at 4-1”
and you said “no its 4-2”
and I said “ok”

i literally said that i directly talked to you to get you to move your vote
wheres the miscommunication here

most people have you as Null, from what I’ve seen

yeah and that was you getting me to move my vote

right after you said that I voted wazza

they obviously havent read the rules considering they have done that, talked about potential host communications, modkills, etc.

so we’re in agreement :wowee:

im so confused
what is the point youre making here

good question

Surely even newbie scum would know to not weaponize the hosts? Surely they wouldn’t claim to have been vanillaized if they were to ever get a warning about it?

If by that you mean “agree to disagree”, then yes.