Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

no they arent

Anyway, I don’t like how Zone just entered the thread sprouting lies

Yes they are, they’re two different motivations on posting what she did from a scum perspective who knows about the doublevote.

You cant do the host thing and also be trying to look better, if you were trying to signal to the host you would obviously assume it would make you look sus asf

I just got here

Exactly why they’re two different reasons to do what she did?
They aren’t apart of the same thing, you can’t do one and the other

Do you have a doublevote
yes or no

Wazza is caught up in a “zone is doing this on purpose” world

i actually quite like it to be honest

You like people spouting lies? :eyes:

i quite like the information he brought up


tbh I haven’t read anything but his push on me lmao

What did he bring up then that you liked apart from what I said

Feel like Jarek has been socially new town, but I really dislike how Jarek pushed extremely hard on AT there, i feel like their behavior would make sense if the hated Modifer was added secretly during the night instead of a day ability

while I wouldn’t push that hard if I was a wolf in their postion I don’t think they would know not to push that hard there

This is “usually”, and thus it does not “always” happen.

That is not how I use my Hammerer at Corrupt Votes FM.

I didn’t think there was a doublevoter in the first place because the vote count was 6/7. When I asked the hosts why the day ended on 6/7, I was informed it was because hammer was reached. Doublevoter would have made the vote count 7/7.

I did think there might have been a role which hammers ATNO if he were to ever reach L-1, and my first thought immediately went towards the people who voted him on both days.

Yeah, and that did happen. You voted ATNO, and he dies.
So what prevents you from being the hammerer?

Also I wasn’t lying I went to bed so I couldn’t switch my vote, I’d been awake for too long at that point :sob:

The difference between Hammerer and hammerer is that one is a role while one is a person who hammered the wagon

I was the hammerer but I’m not a hammerer

Hold on this is definitely a lie on your part, I literally asked the hosts this same question and my answer was “It depends on the wording on the rolecard itself”

do not use that to accuse someone of being scum or lying in a game