Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Are you still of this opinion?

Yeah, I only break that rule when I’m a fresh faced newborn who has no idea how the game works to even begin to think for myself

if I played fm style American-style Jarek would be scum based on the contradictions in his thoughts

One of his earlier posts talked about how it’s cannon he does things without thinking, really just seems like his play style is whatever he has adapted itg

with that being said

I don’t like using contradictions to find scum

Town contradict themselves all the time because their opinions could change based off their mood or whatever


back into the mines I go

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It gets really hard to do stuff without thinking when you’re trying to cross analyze people and do a big post

also I really wanted to do a big posts this game because it makes me look smart

this acfually looks TERRIBLE lmao

That wasn’t even the post i originally remembered

You can dig up all the dirt on me you want at the end of the day if you end up killing me today it won’t lose the game so I don’t care :sunglasses:

Found the post I was thinking of

My defense is that D1 was when I was shining bald head new and had no fucking clue what I was doing or saying but that’s clearly not the case any more.

Also I’m way happier with dying because this game has 1 more day max after this one if I’m reading evil and good numbers correctly.

that’s a fine defense anyway

there’s a reason I don’t use contradicts to read people besides claims and using it to see people’s reactions

yeah i see what you mean

he has incredibly villagery responses at the time

but when you compare it to his other ideals/values, and with how thorough these responses are , they kind of look meticulously crafted to serve a specific purpose at the time, which would explain why he’s supposedly changed the way he wants to play - because it’s what would get him townread at this point

thats why i planned on mislynching kanave first and then mislynching you tomorrow after i add the lost wolf firekitten to my chat


who’s my partners senpai

give me a name and i will ISO and read them lets go


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