Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Does this even sound like a real ability someone could have?
This sounds so absolutely useless that I’m having trouble believing it’s not made-up.

They learn that someone didn’t roll one number out of 6 possible numbers, and because of this powerful almighty info they’re forced to vote people or die?? Really???

Maybe it’s a mafia ability that has something to do with revenge voting and VooDoosh deliberately voted just before the time period it would have taken place to ensure that it didn’t trigger so he didn’t have to deal with the consequences yet.

I really struggle to believe that his claimed ability is anything close to real.

At the very least Googling OMGUS raw does yield US army results so that’s most likely something that actually happened. Googling “Forum Mafia OMGUS” gives you a wiki page that actually tells you what OMGUS is.

So he most likely does have an ability to do with voting, and it probably does include OMGUS in there, I just don’t see the part where this ability helps town in any way. He’d unironically have been better off dead since the ability he has if it really exists is literally just a free disguised wolf vote and could be downright detrimental in the end when we need all the votes we can get on a known wolf.

In, say. A 4v5.

There’s 11 players alive

Jarek hears what arc says then immediately starts pushing voodoo

In theory there will be a night kill and a vote today bringing us down to 9 players

that’ll be 4 wolves if we don’t kill 1 today and 5 townies if we kill a townie today

if there is 1 thing you are scum for it’s that you can’t make any villagery posts on the fly

everything that i townread you for looks crafted

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it sounds so useless thats why im having trouble believing it is made up


It’s probably not but there are probably some details omitted. Modkill rules have to come into play somewhere and he (apparently) broke his abilities rules at least a couple times

That’s like having a guy blatantly break cerenovus madness on D2 and not killing him. Like Ever.

At that point why even have the clause that you’ll get modkilled for not respecting your ability if you’re not going to respect the clause and let them live anyway

there’s clearly something up

/vote @VooDooSh @Host_Account_1

I would never kill someone who openly broken cere madness

If you’re not gonna punish someone for not respecting cerenovus madness then the cerenovus may as well bus themselves and die because they’re completely and utterly useless as a minion, the only exceptions I can even think of are certain roles like mutant that just suck to be made mad as in general

nonono, not as the st. Obv the ST will kill them but if someone lives cere madness, the ST is intentionally doing that to make them suspicious. So executing them just based on that is usually a bad town play.

I don’t believe they’re being left alive on purpose I think the ability is just a complete lie

depends on the groups meta ig

Someone mentioned something about a wagonbomber so maybe the ability they have has something to do with revenge killing whoever voted them and the dice roll thing is made up because it sounds so completely garbage, it’d be so easy to lie about your dice rolls around that information

Something like one of these

Either way if the ability has any semblance of truth I’ve put myself in the line of fire.

is this really the most useful way to contribute to the discussion on the day we are about to kill you

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Given its been flat out said town doesn’t listen to dead player reads and there’s enough sus on me that surviving is basically out of the question, I haven’t really been trying to make reads