Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

You died and proved you were good


Dude there were 3 fucking choirboy claims too that game.
Just think how sad I felt

if you are gladiator you can stop town from being executed if you react quickly so you better stay awake 24/7

King seems like a good role to have but terrible to play. Itā€™s like mayor except you will die if anyone attacks you and your only defense is a role thatā€™s not even guaranteed to spawn.

doesnā€™t king have guards

oh you talking about something different

Ahahaā€¦ yeah, I mean youā€™re not wrong but holy fuck that is some level of pressure.
Please nobody hammer when Iā€™m doing my games in approximately (insert number here) hours.
Because fuck yall I ainā€™t saying because then I know Iā€™d be hammered AND blamed for the loss

Also if you live that long all you get told is living in-play characters, so like, you can literally (somehow) live that long and just get told

ā€œthe [Demon Character] is in playā€ and then die without gaining any more info

you have negative patience

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i now have someone I can blame if we lose

not true I havenā€™t voted yet

Throne of lies king is pretty gross too, with braindead BD it was always a chore to be Good king

oh and pretender was shit

Ya see, I loved it in concept but I basically needed to make myself seem threatening enough to exe.
So I wanted to be able to trust someone I knowā€™s a good BotF player (Wazza) so she could come up with a plan.

not sure what you thought BD stood for

Iā€™m going to fucking vote you and blame you

someone has a temper

To be fair, I almost trusted them too.

ā€¦Then they outed they thought I was the demon to them and gave me the entire grimoiore theyā€™d collected. I was the magician.


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Iā€™m not wazza live it down because it made my day when it happened despite the fact the magician claim felt mostly useless outside of that one event and amounted to nothing in the end

Iā€™m only joking btw

I wonā€™t blame you if we lose

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