Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

That doesn’t matter, scum still automatically win since technically speaking scum will be able to snapvote

they can’t if they aren’t online

scum can’t auto win if there’s an ability that could prevent them from winning
in this case a gladiator can unlock votes

I’m going to go to bed

I can’t stay up all night

I hope I don’t wake to a town loss because a gladiate wasn’t used fast enough

I actually expect to wake up to a town loss tho tbh

one last thing


my reads say that Chloe and kiiruma are both v from how this transpired

I’m not actually sure if this is the case I am literally sleep deprived that will be your job to check

but if im right where are the wolves

why did you want them to cross vote

OK I’m sleeping I’ll read whatever went down tommorow

Kiiruma quick dives part 1, Jarek
First of all @Jarek I hate you right now for having over 800 posts.

I already gave my early Jarek thoughts in my ISO so I want to skip to something more recent.

Here and above is where I talked about them. December 28th at like 40 past midnight oh lord.

Until about here
And that’s like 90 posts in… :weary:

Here’s where I last talked about Jarek (I did a quicksearch) and well, that means this is where I’m starting off Jarek’s ISO from

315 posts in. Oh my god please help me someone.
I’m just gonna skim, I don’t have much time.

Two main things:
Jarek Wagononmics
Jarek Today

Are what I’ll focus on for this.

D2 Jarek was on ATNo from the start of the day and stayed on until the end (at least based on the VCs)

D3 Jarek was on Kanave early on, I think might’ve hopped off (since the number in the vc of when they voted disappeared) and then revoted later on.

The AT, No Maf D2

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #1775 by Jarek

First comment on ATNo. Was a vote due to wanting Shark not to be D1’d. I hate the last part of this quote because it really erks me but might suggest that Jarek was avoiding TMI’ing Shark and just went with consensus.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #4049 by Jarek

Interaction was eh, but so was ATNo’s original comment. Feels like a bit of a shrug off moment.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #4383 by Jarek

This was a response to Arctic asking who Jarek would kill if not ATNo and overall it feels like Jarek just wanted to get ATNo out since their reasoning on VooDoo wasn’t too solid as a backup which is not a good look.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #4533 by Jarek

This is without a doubt the best post by Jarek on ATNo and goes into their reasoning in more depth and now I can see that at least it’s a lot more fleshed out and not just a push in bad faith like earlier it for sure would’ve seemed.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #4877 by Jarek

This is a sorta part 2 to the really good post and it was directed to Aelin about Jarek’s reasoning’s. I think it’s more likely to come from a villager that was just wrong than a wolf pushing agenda as it seems really fleshed out. And unless ATNo Day 2 was a specific wolf plan, then I don’t think they’d have just prepared this, it feels genuine.

Day 3, a very Kanave focus

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #5738 by Jarek
One of the first Day 3 interactions for Jarek seems just… joking which isn’t really fitting for the state the game is in with multiple town deaths and no mafia ones which feels a bit disconnected.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #5743 by Jarek
The vote, with no explanation other than… OMGUS at the time.
If EoD 2 was not good on ATNo I’d just lock this a wolf at this point

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #6326 by Jarek
Jarek, I need to know at this point wtf you were doing because this is starting to feel like among us when the imposter’s like ‘Where’s the body?’. And I saw many other posts you made about Kanave before this but I’m not even willing to post them separately because all it felt like was a childish ‘No U’ squabble with not much else.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #6447 by Jarek
This is the first post to Kanave that I liked (despite the fact it absolutely could’ve been interpreted as TMI at the end) because it basically got Kanave to just relook at things and although nothing really changed it showed an attempt at least to look to reanalyse and reinvigorate them. I think it’s more likely from town than wolf TMI’ing

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #6449 by Jarek
This is a great follow up to the previous post, very good look for the slot.

Dicey Dungeons FM (9/15) - Game Thread (Day 4) - #6466 by Jarek
3 part reasoning, first was kinda self pres-y as was the last one and the middle reasoning kinda just didn’t really want to discern between things. I don’t like it but at the end of the day this is between Jarek being voted out of Kanave and I can see T!Jarek thinking like this.

I need to do a Jarek today thing but that requires me to dive them more and I’m sleep deprived rn. I’ve really liked their EoDs and dislikes their posts during the main days which erks me but today from what I’ve seen they’ve kinda just came into their own stride so it’s townier today than they’ve been most of the game. 90% chance this is a townie.

Also fwiw I’m thinking I’m gonna gladiate Chloe and Napoleon.

Chloe simply because I still feel really erked and I feel like she could easily be just trying to push me into a corner and getting me to break since she knows me but Napoleon because I think they’ve used the slot as a reason to skirt by.

Jarek’s not the person of my choice anymore and T!Jarek does make me more paranoid of Wolf Chleb.

If Zone looks horrendous I’d replace Zone for one of them.
If not then I’m going with what I have and I’m going to basically hard push Zone tomorrow (if they still look bad and are alive because at that point I think they’ve skirted by enough and that they could be the ‘safe’ wolf)

I’ve discussed earlier my early thoughts with Zone due to Chleb pointing out that despite them voting me I kinda just gave them a passive look and didn’t follow through on it. But at the time I was kinda just remembering how Zone is towards me. I want to see more of what they’re like further on.

This is the first set of reads that I remember from Zone and overall it kinda just feels like an ok thing with not much standing for it.
There’s one part of this that nobody has commented on that I’ve wanted to ask but have failed to do so.
@Zone_Q11 what was your ‘personal reason you townlean FK’ at that point?

A lot of Zone’s voting Day 1 which I can analyse come off as… annoyance at others.
Annoyance at me for saying for him to ‘shut up’ and annoying at Agent for them avoiding his question.

Overall I kinda think it looks fine, I don’t think Zone comes up with such shabby reasonings for changing their vote when people would often look at VCA but I know that at the same time it does allow for a lack of accountability.

I like the coloured tier reads but the one thing I want to comment on is… even when Zone scumread me the most, they didn’t really push on me and I feel like that’s problematic.

In the example, here.
All that happened following it was a few questions, no pressure, no votes. That’s probably the worst early thing I can remember from Zone.

This was a good list of reads and I think their comment at the end makes logical sense from T!Zone world.
I want to see more of them today but since EU people might be on I can’t really dilly dally any longer.

I wish people said yes/no to my ideas for the gladiate but fuck it I guess.

Action has been submitted, I didn’t want to have to do it but like, I gotta do it now.

If Chloe is innocent then with others I think are too then I don’t think that Nap/Magnus, the slanker slot is town and so I just need to case them properly.

But if I wait then I risk being quickhammered and game just ends.
I probably had like 30 or so minutes left if I wanted to stretch it out.

Yet if I go for too long on Nap or spent much longer on Zone like my Jarek dive and my Chloe rebuttals then I’d be sure to cause game to be a loss unless Chloe is a wolf and I don’t want to gamble on Chloe alignment right now. I’d rather use the power I have

So… to keep things in order.


Chloe vs Kiiruma
- Chloe
0 1

Note: This vote count is no longer accurate.

Chloe, Kiiruma and Napoleon has become gladiated and only they can be lynched today.

As such, votecount was reset.

Chloe vs Kiiruma vs Napoleon
0 0 0

Day has been extende by 24h to compensate for it.

well the game isn’t over meaning there’s at least 1 wolf in them

(I’m totally shocked guys, I’m shocked)

1 Like

I mean if there wasn’t it would mean there’s 4 between the rest of yall. So I’d hope I would hit at least 1 wolf here

…what did I just wake up into?

the game isn’t over


You can thank me for that later, but for now you can thank me by working out which of the two are wolves or if both of them are. I’m not exactly in the mood to keep going much after already defending myself hard, trying to dive 2 huge ISOs and trying to save the game.

I’m going to take my well deserved rest in a bit.

Good luck yall and I guess I’ll be forced to hammer when I’m back since well… we are in LyLo so any town misvote costs us the game.

smh this is all stolen from me