Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


I mostly covered it in my dive on you.

I feel like you managed to have really good posts to people you even suspected. I.E. Kanave
And your progression didn’t feel fake.

For your ATNo read too you had fleshed it out a ton near EoD so instead of us just being like ‘What is going on?’ it gave direction

So basically just say what I’m thinking and explain stuff and that’s all I gotta do well that sounds easy enough

i think kiiruma is the most likely villager in the group but if he’s town we prob lost anyway lol

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I can definitely see how not explaining anything would be evil af

If you explain stuff, even if people don’t fully get where you’re coming from and agree with you… it lets people have more to analyse which is not a bad thing.

It might be more for you to be ‘caught as wolf’ on. But if you’re town and you’re not providing enough then it makes it hard for people to townread you correctly.

I think we should just take things a day at a time lol.
Hopefully one of yall is just in hiding a cop or something

wait did we get another 24 hours

No, my thing doesn’t extend the day… at least that’s what I was told by one host when I asked.


WTF Eevee

Well for next game if I have any reads I’m going to actually try and explain them instead of just not

Alough to be fair most of my early reads were just gut feelings and really it

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I wish I could quote Eli right now.
Smh this is painful.

idk when eod actually is now

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If I knew this would’ve extended day I would’ve done it last second.
All I was told was I couldn’t do this in the final 6 hours of the day.
And when I checked if my gladiating could reset votes even in LyLo I was told yes.

I didn’t get told it’d extend day ugh

wdym this is how he usually acts as town
how do you know that

and then how do you end up scumreading him for it

I seriously just thought I was on a timer due to the fact that if Chleb is innocent then if wolves just waited they could quickhammer together. So I needed to do it before everyone would be up.

And now I find out that I got rushed into doing it and that my ability actually extends day?

Like that would have been amazing to know beforehand

The question mark is there because I have no idea if it’s true but I’ve heard people fling around the idea that kiiruma tends to just act nervous and all over the place as a player in general regardless of the role they are.

I scumread them for it because it’s easy as hell to do. It’s hard to do genuinely and you could easily go over-the-top with it, but all you have to do is just act overwhelmed any time someone makes a push on you and hope they know you well enough to make the connection. It’d have taken someone like me who doesn’t have that kind of bias to see through it - But they’re probably town after that gladiate, I don’t see them tryharding as a wolf this hard just because 1 villiager nominated them either

My biggest issue now is not knowing which of them to vote.

Like, one or both of them are wolves.
And should Chleb be a wolf they’re in a better position (just due to her experience and being alive) than Napoleon is since they’re a dead slot who replaced a dead slot.

But if I misvoted Chloe I don’t think she’d forgive me because I already basically just went ‘WTF Chloe?’ to them and I’d kinda just be doing what she did back to me

Anyway the best way we find the wolves this game is if we find the townies in this game so I’ll tell you why I think 5 people are town and we can kill those not in the list.

Myself - I’m obviously not gonna call myself a wolf because I’m not. Just read my posts people have started to like them I don’t really feel like I’d do myself justice by analyzing myself, you’d get a better feel for me good or bad if you just did it yoself

Kiiruma - Ok honestly at first they were probably evil to me based on how they acted early on; very nervous very all over the place even with no pressure on them it was a bit strange, I’ve seen evils crumble if they even so much as get spit on so I wasn’t sure, this EoD does imply that they are town though unless they for some reason really really really want to tryhard this wolf win when they’re most likely going to win anyway, for some reason. It’s best to assume they’re town because there are several reasons atp.

Litten - For similiar reasons to Kiiruma I simply do not believe that the way they were acting was insinscere, they seemed genuinely annoyed and about to give up when I was and they picked me up instead of just letting me stay all mopey for the free win, they haven’t tried to influence who I vote for at all which I would assume they would do if they were a wolf who was trying to raise my spirits to pocket me. I’m mostly reading them as town simply because their reactions to this game about to be a loss as town and the votes today and all that seem genuine enough to me.

Arctic - :slight_smile:

The last townie is a tossup.

I’ll Iso read a few people and see who I think might be the last townie but this ones the hard part for me :sob: