Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

If I’m right (I’m probably not) then if we figure out who the last townie is then we can kill all the wolves simply because of town numbers being too small for there to be any more villiagers

i hate this game

i think napoleon is just a wolf

he very clearly does not give a shit about the game

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i still need to catch up on like 300 posts

Welp aighty

Guess that means I gotta put on the thinkin’ cap

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This does not feel like a town ability ftr

But alas gladiators are wack no matter the alignment

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Read list. Seems peretty accurate given how the game has gone. I don’t know if it’s suspiciously accurate or not. Everyone in the town list is dead except for arctic and Kiiruma. Notably, one of their nullreads and 2 of their wolf reads are still alive.

#2210, defends shark but also throws up the possibility he’s scum acting badly.

#2348, swaps to calling him evil but still says they shouldn’t die today (for some reason)

When prompted to give a reason for their reads, they gave these reasons. I think the AT read is a pretty good one and perhaps exactly what AT wanted - after all his ability worked while lynched or killed so no doubt he was hoping one of the two would happen. It’s not exactly a hot-take, but it is a take that works.

Kiiruma’s read is nothing special to me. someone else can dive into it if they want.

Sharks read is the most interesting because Wazza specifically calls for a vig, a guiltless vigilante, to kill shark instead of voting him, claiming he’s a back-up lynch that we can take if we have no other leads. The call for a guiltless vig could be TMI but it could be them still believing there’s a chance shark is town and not wanting a vigilante to die because of a bad read. Kinda the same boat as me? They seem to be soft-defending shark here even after calling him scum, so I’m not sure what to make of this.

This could have been theatre but AtNo flipped as town. It’s possible Wazza is making themselves look good in comparison to atno here without directly saying it; referring to their “low post count but higher content” in comparison to AtNo. It’s also possible they were trying to get atno to do something because they did vote them.

Doesn’t actually push vodoosh.

Probably NAI Putting it here anyway.

Also NAI but this was their D2 reads.

You know if we choose to believe Wazza here vodoosh’s slot is absolutely full of crap. Vodoosh’s read-list is also potentially TMI on the town side? Make of this what you will. I think this post looks townie though.

At some point they start defending Aelin, who turned out to be another town role. So far they’ve scmread 1 townsfolk somewhat in shark but soft-defended them, 1 townsfolk in AtNo without a shadow of a doubt (I don’t blame them) and are now defending Aelin. This is around about the time they’re being accused of theatre. Right before this, Wazza told Aelin they weren’t interested in their thoughts in a rather blunt way


Could be TMI that aelin was town and they’re defending them for towncred, could be that they actually believed in Aelin. Someone else can make that call when they read this post.

Quoted a post they made after arguing with Agent47. They do make a comment about knowing that town is incorrect on aelin which is potentially TMI again. They then proceed to vote on and push Vodoosh/Chloe, as they said they would.

After this at post #3790 and onwards they proceed to get angry about Aelin getting pushed in a what feels like genuine way. This, again, could be TMI, but it does seem like wazza and aelin are pals so…Really I can’t say.

Or vice versa I hope?

They give their explanation for their 50/50. It makes sense to me. That’s all I have to say on it.

More reasons that voodoosh is evil asf

I don’t see why this role would be a town ability. I’ve said as much myself, Wazza seems to agree. Literally why is this a thing if it’s town lol.

Does mafia even have a commute ability? Why would they have a commute abiltiy? Whoooooooo knows.

Evil evil and evil??? fingers crossed???

Actually claims VT scratch the commuter thing.

I feel like a wolf would just let this behaviour continue, rather than call it out and try to stop it.

I don’t like being in the line of fire but the reasoning makes sense. I was acting SUS. They seem to have maintained mistyx as a scumread this entire game, and me as a nullread.

Might just not have been looking. A bit weird to have not seen anything from me but I guess I haven’t given much until now.

Their behaviour towards the EoD gladiate does also indicate to me that they’re probably on the side of town.

Here’s my massive twitlonger I spent the better part of an hour on on who I think the last townie is.

Likely going to force a cross within this trio for the sake of having a somewhat normal LyLo and so other people can have a lowered pool of 2 ppl to look at instead of 3

Whether that means Kiiru and Napoleon cross or I just fuckityolo vote remains to be seen lol - but will probably be the latter! So that’s fun :wowee:

Will ISO the two boyos when i wake up and put on my big girl pants

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This took me 5 years and I guarantee my comments are lazy and garbage but I put quotes in the spotlight even if the comments are bad.

I’ll just uhhhhhhh leave it there.

your confidence on Kiiruma switched quickly


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Huh no it didnt

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sounds like confidence dropping considering you’re fine with voting Napoleon instead of Kiiruma based on this comment here

Well yes they could both be wolves

Fmpov there HAS to be at least 1 wolf between them

Best scenario is they vote eachother

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Which also means i dont get voted out in lylo which is pretty sick

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Chloe imma be honest with you

I’m pretty confident in you being Town rn

Pretty poggin, my fren

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Feel free to share with the class :wowee:

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that’s what I did just do